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RE: On objective truth

in #philosophy7 years ago

Well...I'd say that existence/experience is the only objective and subjective truth. 2 + 2 equaling 4 is an objective truth but you're free to subjectively deny it; there's nothing I can do to change your perception. Conversely, we subjectively agree on the general meaning of these individual words but there's nothing objective that determines the composition of language. Consistently perhaps, if you're into Chomsky, but not deterministically.


2+2=4: Can mathematics also be interpreted as logical language? And how could entities who are not able to 'think' logically agree to it being objective truth in their realities?

Math can be used as a language but the laws hold up whether observed or not; entities who can not think have no need for or basis upon which to logically agree with anything or recognize objectivity. Chomsky's got this idea about Universal Grammar that would put language in the same category as math but most scientists still believe language is a social construct, so unless we agree on it there's no objective reference for it.

Though I'm required to use subjective terms to make sense I can still refer to math objectively. I can't currently refer to language objectively, except perhaps to make generalizations about the structure of communication.

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