Tendencies of a chaotic universe - an interview with Andrarchy (podcast/video)


In our short lifetimes, it's difficult to see what the long-term trends of the universe are. Physicists guess that the universe is slowly dying, as energy gets used up or is transmuted into more and more stable forms. If that's the case, where do we fit into the mix? Are our lives just a part of this move towards an equilibrium state, or is the growing complexity of the human race and its machines just a freak occurrence, an anomaly?

Kurt's conversation with Andrew Levine (a.k.a. Andrarchy) continues as we discuss the concepts of his crowdsourced book, the general trends of the universe, artificial intelligence and whether the Big Bang theory is a reality, a fairy story cooked up by bored scientists, or just an awful TV show.

Join us on the next complexity-driven episode of ... The Paradise Paradox!

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View the full shownotes here: Tendencies of a chaotic universe - an interview with Andrarchy: The Paradise Paradox Episode 152

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The Paradise Paradox is a podcast where we talk about crazy ideas for open-minded people. We cover topics such as crypto-currency, technology, politics, economics, freedom, free-thinking, and psychedelic experiences.

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I think it's interesting to note that "Big Bang Theory" is a misnomer, as the big bang is unfalsifiable, and is thus completely outside the realm of science:

[T]he core element of a scientific hypothesis is that it must be capability [sic] of being proven false. For example, the hypothesis that ``atoms move because they are pushed by small, invisible, immaterial demons'' is pseudo-science since the existence of the demons cannot be proven false (i.e. cannot be tested at all).


The big bang is not capable of being disproven, by definition, since the big bang is explicitly defined to not be governed by the laws of nature which currently exist, and thus, is explicitly defined to be rationally inconsistent, because the laws which govern the big bang are inconsistent with the laws that govern reality since the big bang.

Since the big bang is ineligible to be considered a hypothesis, it is ineligible to ever become a theory. Thus there is no "Big Bang Theory"; only a "Big Bang Conjecture" which is formally unscientific.

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