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RE: Briefly Rambling about "Painful Waiting" and Trying to Cheat Death

Totally agreed, all the pondering does not help it and makes it worse. I often find the actual thing wasn't half as bad as the hype I had managed to create anticipating.
Work works differently for me. I always take a good two hours before leaving the house even if it means getting up after little sleep. Nothing worse than hurrying and stress in the morning, so I rather have a cup of coffee, write a bit for steem or calmly get ready for work with making lunch etc.
I find the train ride to work is a great opportunity to write, even on days where I hardly find time to sleep or even post. The new working schedule that is always changing somehow forced me to manage my time differently and to work ahead a bit making use of that time more. So while I have less time than a few years ago, I find I get more done with less net time per day and week.

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