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RE: Irredeemable

in #philosophy5 years ago

I agree, Meno. Too often we treat people like monsters because they disagree with us or don't share our same morals, when, really, we are all just trying to make it through life the best way we know how. I do believe there are some evil people in the world, like truly evil, but I know there are more good people in the world than the bad. And the evil ones.. can they change? Of course. Will they? Doubtful. If you've murdered 25 people by noon on a Sunday and plan to do it again on Monday.. doesn't seem like you might be changing anytime soon, but maybe one day .. but the damage by that point has been done. Now I've gone out on a tangent. But then that is just what you do to me, you tangent invoker. ;)


Actually , I stopped myself from wandering off of the topic before I really did it. But I was about to go off into the discussion of what happens to the people who do redeem themselves in some way, but they will never be seen that way in the eyes of all the people they damaged along the way. How can you really be redeemed, if no one wants to redeem you? Maybe I might need to look up the actual definition of redeem. Anyway. Hope you are well, and having good luck with all the house stuff. : ) Hugs! ♥

You are always funny Serena... even when you don't try!


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