To the Glory of God

in #philosophy6 years ago

Buildings crafted to honor our Creator


exert an upward pull on our souls.


Can't you feel it?


I can!




ouzo and out,

photos were shot at St. Colman's Cathedral, Cobh, Ireland


Code, blockchains and websites built to the Glory of God would have the same effect.


One blockchain under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Wow this Cathedral feels exactly as you said! Got some kind of horrible feeling as well! But it's wonderful!


I didn't get a horrible feeling. Maybe I'm not sensitive enough :)

It's amazing architecture and i'm always in awe when i visit a church, but I've always thought the money and resources used to build them could have been better spent helping people better themselves.

Better themselves how? Bettering yourself is a personal decision that you can make at any time you are ready. It begins with that first smile, or kind word, or pushup, or search for the overall good in a situation instead of Me, Me, Me.

What I was trying to say in a nice way is that Jesus Christ would not think that this building was honoring God, just the opposite:

“Whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, because they love to pray while standing in synagogues and on street corners so that people can see them. Truly I say to you, they have their reward. But whenever you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you” (Matthew 6:5-6)

Like i said before, amazing building and your pics really showed that, but not what religion should be about.

You know what Jesus would think? And how money can be better spent? I take it that you are heading for a career in politics? Is taxation to be your forte? Or will you be a moralist? Do you aspire to tell other people what they can/should and cannot/should not do?

Is it just possible that the purpose of the building is to experience a longing for higher things? I'm pretty sure that the craftsmen who built it were aspiring towards a spiritual vision. And, yes, I'm sure that when they were doing their praying they did it in secret, inside their hearts, as they continued outwardly to work to God's glory with their hands and minds.

My parents were devout Catholics and contributed a lot of their money to the church as well as sent me to Catholic schools so i was heavily involved in the inner workings of the church. They closed down the high school I was going to because they supposedly could not afford to keep it open but thought it was important to build huge cathedrals to honor God or spend billions to cover up pedophilia:

I am no longer Catholic nor do i contribute to the church so what they do with other peoples money is their own business. It was just my honest opinion it could be better spent. I didn't think I would get you all riled up over it and for that i apologize.

OK, I am no longer "all riled up" :-)

I was also raised a Catholic and an alter boy but haven't been to a church or cathedral for "doctrinal" reasons for dozens of years. But I do go there to marvel at the beauty and spirit caught in form by the artisans devoted to their crafts.

"The image of God is found in Work."

Abuse and greed are factors that creep into all human activities and tend to completely overwhelm them. If new creative impulses are not consciously brought into a human activity or organization at critical points, then the activity will eventually turn into its opposite. The religion of Love inevitably becomes the religion of the Inquisition once the generative influence has waned.

Yet it is patently obvious, given the evidence of certain cathedrals amongst other things, that some groups do keep the essence of the original impulse alive and have the knowledge and discipline to apply required inputs at critical times.

We are living in a critical time. Hopefully such groups still exist :-)

Hi there , are you going to SF3 this year? I remember we had nice conversations in Amsterdam in SF1 together with @juanmiguelsalas. Are u in discord? I´d like to talk to you about what we have been doing in the past 2 years in @cervantes

I don't think so because I will be going to Decentralized 2018 in Athens November 14-16. There will be a large bitshares contingent there (Steemit came from bitshares).

Ahh ok, but is the perfect timing! SF3 is just one week before! If you have some time in discord I would love to give you some info about what we have been doing in @cervantes in terms of projects to make the tag spanish what it is now. If you like what we do I´d be great if you support us as witness.

1,200 Ateendes in decentralized in Athens! Wow that a lot of people and 359 eur with all lunches included for two days doesn't seem too expensive...

Have nice day bro.

I guess I'll try. Is it hard?

It´s just incredible what they build and created. Awesome quote

Some of the great creations of today are being built on the blockchain.

After visiting such a cathedral, involuntarily you begin to believe in God !!! A very beautiful place, which once again reminds you how insignificant a person is in comparison with such buildings.

После посещения такого собора, непроизвольно начинаешь верить в Бога!!! Очень красивое место, которое лишний раз напоминает насколько человек нечтожный в сравнении с такими строениями.

"... involuntarily you begin to believe in God !!!"

It's better to do it voluntarily :)

It's pretty amazing architecture used for build awesome creativity. Jesus Christ care about all Catholics.
Perfect captures found.

How magnificent ! Was it overwhelming emotionally to be standing in there? I can only imagine it might be.

Great photos.

You should give it a try when you get a chance :-)

One of the fine architecture i have seen 😍 @onceuponatime

Yes, it is magnificent!

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