Swan song 2018

in #philosophy6 years ago

Will 2018 be the year of "swan songs"?

SwissScene1camera download 1095.JPG
photo credit: @twiceuponatime

What's the meaning of the phrase 'Swan song'?

A final gesture or performance, given before dying or retirement.

"The swan song (ancient Greek: κύκνειον ᾆσμα; Latin: carmen cygni) is a metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, effort, or performance given just before death or retirement. The phrase refers to an ancient belief that swans (Cygnus spp.) sing a beautiful song just before their death, having been silent (or alternatively, not so musical) during most of their lifetime. This belief, whose basis in actuality is long-debated, had become proverbial in ancient Greece by the 3rd century BC, and was reiterated many times in later Western poetry and art."


Here are a few Swans

that I think are tuning up to sing, LOL:

  • POW (proof of work) mining for blockchains. Because it is an enormous energy wasting drain on resources, and has been found to be incapable of scaling to industrial levels of TPS (transactions per second).

  • "Fiat" currency. Every fiat currency in history has gone to a zero value, and on average in well under 50 years. Gold and silver have NEVER gone to zero value, anywhere, anytime. In fact, during some hyper inflations of fiat a few gold coins would buy you enormous amounts of hard assets (houses, land, factories etc.). Enough said?

  • Censorship of alternative media and information in general. Let's face it, the public is waking up and there will be a mass exit to censorship resistant platforms.

  • Inherited, as opposed to earned, wealth. Let's face it, wealth without work is an abomination. And when monopolies can no longer be enforced, as they cannot be in the coming blockchain world, to have extraordinary wealth you must provide extraordinary service!

  • "Monopolies." In my (not totally humble) opinion, monopolies are instituted and maintained by corruption and political coercion. That is changing because of the disruptive technologies the new innovators are bringing to us. BUT we must remain vigilant and cautious because of the "double edged sword" nature of some of them. Nothing the evil rascals would like better than to have enormous big data available on everyone (so you could neither buy nor sell without some "compliance mark" or social score. This would be less dangerous in a world of "crypto secession" (where you could move freely to join the blockchain community who's coded rules most closely match your preferences). But it is highly problematic if any trend to a "one world government" is allowed to proceed.

Which brings me to the final Swan

that I hope is singing its death tune now:

  • A trend towards centralization. Let's make sure the pendulum swings more towards decentralization in the coming year(s). In government, in politics, in finance, in markets, in crypto, in information storage and retrieval. In everything!


Maximum power must always reside in you, as an individual

subject to your conscience, which is your connection to God.

Next, you can delegate SOME of your power to your community.

Then, your community can delegate SOME of of its power to your nation.

And your nation can delegate SOME of its power to alliances.

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credit: pixabay.com



the "New World Order" folks

have been preparing your enslavement for a very long time!

The Rise of the Phoenix world currency from the ashes of national fiat currencies ie. destruction of fiat currencies via hyperinflation. “Phoenix” is of course an occult metaphor. Out of the destruction, the ashes of the old world order, the Luciferian New World Order will rise like a Phoenix! https://socioecohistory.wordpress.com/2014/07/26/flashback-1988-get-ready-for-a-world-currency-by-2018%E2%80%B3-the-economist-magazine/

Don't fall for it!

Don't fall for it!

Don't fall for it!

Don't fall for it!


What Swan Songs do you see being sung this year?


ouzo and out,

Please support my bad habits by upvoting this post and following me!


I'm inclined to agree with pretty much all your "swans," although the timing of the singing I'm not so sure about.

On "inherited wealth" I'm inclined to think there will be a distinction between those who simply pass on "gross" amounts of wealth, and those work for a lifetime in service of passing a family business from generation to generation as a legacy. Maybe they are close to the same thing, but I think it may be a while before parents who "want to leave something better for their kids" abandon that mindset.

Fiat currency? Every fiat currency has gone to zero... and been replaced by another iteration of fiat currency. How much retraining will it truly take to untrain people from their attachments to a medium of exchange they have been familiar with for millennia? Is that swan singing? Maybe so... but right now, it's just humming a few bars...

Centralization ►decentralization... that one's an interesting beast. It may happen first through an unexpected avenue: The labor market. A few weeks back @lukestokes and I had an interesting exchange about the future of "work" and the possibility that "jobs" (as we know them) will cease to exist. Instead, we will all be purveyors of knowledge/skills/wisdom.

"Companies" (to the degree they exist) will no longer have "employees;" and any one of us can do a "task" for any one organization in need of it, in exchange for (ta-da!) something like a cryptocurrency. None of us have "jobs," we simply "do things" or provide services where they are needed. Most "mechanical" and physical labor jobs will be replaced by robotics, so we will be trading parts of our brain power.

In its purest form, Steemit is — in essence — a very early prototype of this model (if you peel off the immediate layer of self-serving "money strippers"), in which we individually "value" certain contributions more than others.

Again, I am possibly overly idealistic and hopeful here, but the "swan song" of the traditional job is one I would like to see.

"I think it may be a while before parents who "want to leave something better for their kids" abandon that mindset."

We will not need them to abandon a mindset. It will be abandoned on to them :-) What I mean is that it is going to take work, in the form of service to others, to maintain the value of any legacy. I personally will be ruthless in separating parasites from any value that might be in their so-called "wealth".

I doubt that robots, or AI, will ever duplicate "empathy", so I suspect that is one avenue of possible "service" to others. Some forms of creativity will also probably not be duplicated by AI (although I am less sure about that).

Yes, steemit has freed me from a "traditional" job - but I sure have to put in long hours :-)

I once attended at a party and met a guy, one thing led to another so I asked him what was his profession his answer still amaze me to date. "I am Niarhos nephew" he replied? That was the end of our chit chat he already placed himself above me and he felt so entitled to his "profession" made me feel a bit guild not coming from a rich family like his and a bit shame I didn't already knew who he was and had the balls to ask something that basic. There is nothing worst than inherited wealth it is a waste of resources and capital. It provides zero value to the communities and corrupts people from a very young age.


"Wealth without work is an abomination"

"Out of the destruction, the ashes of the old world order, the Luciferian New World Order will rise like a Phoenix!" - It's been 3 decades. It's time to rise again! New World CryptoCurrency order.

Pardon me if I don't participate LOL

But you should be having a VIP seat for the show :)

@murda-ra, wasn't there a time we heard a blockchain sing a swan song? maybe when it went down with a black swan?

Despite all the important things mentioned about life, society and economy in this post, the curious traveler in me wants to know where @twiceuponatime took this beautiful photo?! Is that in Greece?

It is Switzerland of course!

Hi, i will ask you the same for the photo? :)
@tkappa you are in my mind! :)))

Χαχαχα ειδες πως σε νιωθω ;)

χαχαχα!! thanks! :))
Για αυτο σε συμπάθησα με την μια.

Nice! Thanks a lot for sharing the seer in you with us. As you know, I strongly relate to all these ideas and can hardly wait to see them take their place, except for the Phoenix, of course. ;)

Namaste :)

Are you prepared?

Hardly enough right now, especially considering where I am living... I sure hope things are going smoothly your way though. :) Namaste

@twiceuponatime did indeed a very nice job in getting that beautiful shot.

Was not really familiar wit the phrase !

While I do like the points and most of them all we do need to be exceptional in order to get sth exceptional in reward.

and getting some Gold would provably be not a bad idea who knows what situation might come in handy ;)

Well won't fall for it !

Gold is golden! LOL

What a plot twist! lol

I totally agree, POW, fiat and suppression of information are soon dying. I'm not sure how inherited wealth is coming to an end though and would love to know your thoughts.

Anyway, thanks for your efforts in raising awareness regarding the NWO folks. The vast majority still totally ignore what is truly going on.

My thought is that to maintain great wealth will need constant innovation and work.

I do not believe the swan song is one major event. It has been a gradual conditioning of the public in preparation for the end goal of the elites. Beta testing crypto currency to replace paper fiat money is only one very small part of it. They want the sheeple public to remain asleep as possible. Thanks @onceuponatime

What they want and what we will let them have are, hopefully, two different things.

I'm just coming across the phrase "Swan Songs" for the first time today. Well, I guess we learn everyday, and I've just learnt a new thing.

A trend towards centralization. Let's make sure the pendulum swings more towards decentralization in the coming year(s)

I think the world is about witnessing a paradigm shift from centralization to decentralization. And this process has already begun.

NIce one @onceuponatime
P.S: I'm a fan :)

Will always follow you,coz your posts are something different from others...
Am i missing @twiceuponatime here..😘

Are you as attached to @twiceuponatime as I am?

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