Self-destructible person

in #philosophy7 years ago

"A person with a" self-abasement complex "always tries to stay in the shade - it's calmer to him." He has long been convinced that whatever he does, it will necessarily turn out badly, he simply can not meet the expectations of other people, he is not given the chance to succeed, the best way do not cause irritation to others - it's less confusing under their feet. "His clothes and hairstyle seem to ask:" Do not pay any attention to me. I just do not stand it. "

Portrait of a man with a "complex of self-abasement"


What is the reason for the development of such a complex?

First of all, there are demands from the parents, which the child is clearly not able to justify. The next reason is constant comparisons with other children that parents make and that are not in the child's favor.

It is clear that Mom and Dad, probably, wished to stimulate in this way their aspiration to improve and achieve success. But they got exactly the opposite: the child realized that he simply can not meet such high demands.


Later, he begins to make such claims to himself, criticizes himself and compares himself with other people not in his favor. But it is vitally important for him to receive love.

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