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RE: Sleep Paralysis: An Unpleasant Side Effect of Lucid Dreaming

in #philosophy7 years ago

It's true the rem cycle is 20mins but I also think 20mins of paralysis is rare or maybe those who experienced it never woke up to tell. 20mins in that state will be a terrible experience.
At this point, I can't tell if my experiences back then were influenced by the type of materials I read back then, or if the experiences lead me to the books I read but I experienced funny things like sound of water rushing in your head after coming off paralysis them flowing into a short obe. I had a nice lucid dream trigger as a kid, once I saw paintings of mary(we were catholics) in the sky. As a teenager, once I sat in an exam and don't know the answer, I just realized I must be dreaming. It was a recurrent nightmare.
I never made the connection but I guess the mind trying to wake up is the cause of lucid dreams and paralysis but why doesn't it happen for everybody?.


yeah you are probably right about 20 mins being extremely rare.

I don't think that sleep paralysis only occurs because of lucid dreaming , I think it is just one aspect to it, like it can be an unwanted consequence or side effect of trying to lucid dream. I'm sure there are many reasons that people experience sleep paralysis. Sorry, if my statements seemed very matter of fact, that wasn't my intention. I'm certainly not an expert on this stuff - more of a student with a few personal experiences to share lol.

So i'm not sure why it doesn't happen to everyone or why it only happens to some.(??)

I understood your statements, I was just pointing out a few things and asking a question at the end. I would want to believe it's a side effect of lucid dreaming too.

I know no one can answer these questions fully. lol we'll all just keep observing and learning.

There are multiple cultures who have observed and lived and still practice being in these states as they are a key to the full unification and understanding of the plane of existence we are mostly living in and with. (See the first comment I just left for leaky20. There are much more.) The sleep paralysis is a natural part of the process of becoming fully aware, thus a bit of a side-effect of learning to lucid dream, as one thing, but also a side effect of meditation, when one gets to a certain depth...

Namaste :)

Yeah, this is true and Leaky20's post supports that too.

ok gotcha :)
Yes I agree that we are all observing and learning

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