Everything Is Possible. Nothing Is Unknown Forever.

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)


Is it possible that some facts are unknowable? Is there an answer for every possible question? Many skeptics claim that unexplained phenomena will always remain unexplained. I vehemently disagree with this. Unexplained does not mean unexplainable. Here is a simple Platonic reason why. Humans used to wonder where the sun went at night. For millennia humans throughout the world used their wonderful imaginations and came up with countless explanations for where the sun went that night. The answer of what was once unknown is now known obviously. Science which is accomplished with evidence collecting explains where the sun goes at night. The sun ‘sets’ because the earth moves relative to the sun.

I know that my audience understands this simple concept and what I find peculiar is that people often equate not knowing an answer with the misconception that an answer may be unknowable.

If we define God as all that is unknown we see that the definition of God changes as time goes by.

Finally, I’d like to add one more overcomplicating factor to a simple concept. It is important to remember that time doesn’t change but that we change in relation to time. With all of that said isn’t it time to admit that time is infinite. Or is it?

This post is something that I wrote in 2015. It was interesting to revisit it. I still am fascinated with skepticism and why people are so reluctant to change their paradigm.

Image is from google images.


We might explain many things that are currently unexplained, but will there not always remain something to which explanations do not apply?
Can there be an explanation for everything and nothing?

Yes. I suppose that there are always things that an explanation cannot apply. Maybe that is where magic, miracles, imagination or religion play a role.

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