Vision of the future of humanity from a neurologist and psychiatrist only on STEEMIT

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

 Because the subject is sensitive, a presentation of the lecturer before entering into useful topic: Professor Constantin Dumitru Dulcan is a neurologist, psychiatrist, doctor of medical sciences and author of numerous books. The best known is "Intelligence matter ", published in 1981, which some say that it was worthy of the Nobel Prize.A book from  Dulcan is "Mind beyond", which deals with the experiences of clinical death, "Searching for lost meaning" two volumes - Meeting with destiny and brain and new spirituality, "Sleep of Reason", "by ourselves" "thinking modern man", "ridges and limits". 

Professor Dulcan was chief of neuropsychiatry at the Central Military Hospital  in Bucharest, Romania and is a member of prestigious national and international scientific societies (American Academy of Neurology, the European Neurological Society, International Brain Research Organization). "I speak in the name of science and everything you say is scientific support. They are lucid and aware of what they say. It is a very difficult time for the universe and at the moment I decided to come to talk". 

Materialistic science does not answer all questions Evoking the Max Planck and quantum physics, Dulcan described the man as "wave and particle at the same time" and outlined some of the paradoxes related to time and space, that our minds can not contain and explain. Materialistic science, he says, has reached its limits and could not answer all questions, especially to the fundamental questions, even if we are where we are because of materialistic science that we prolonged the lives and enabled us to reach the comfort of our homes today.

 Materialistic science is unable to drive evil, murders, wars, human waste. The new science, spoke of Constantin Dulcan, based on progress in different areas: in modern physics research clinical death in cognitive science (science dealing with the study of behavior and human intelligence, specifically with developing theories explain various aspects thereof), in researching what is called body experience (phenomenon placed among the paranormal, which implies a feeling of disembodiment and even moving long distances or in other worlds - concept was described by Robert Monroe ) .
And what we have been revealed still I concluded that relies both on the scientific knowledge accumulated in a lifetime of research and reading, and the experiences of communication with the invisible, "more useful than tons of books, because see that there is something beyond ", which were given Dulcan teacher, according to his own words, especially in extreme situations:

There is a "beyond mind" there is a "world beyond", that from which we come, who is our origin and where is our primary forms. The mind of each of us is a branch of cosmic consciousness. We are here in physical form sent to experience this condition and to experience the lesson of love, a love that we accept all our fellow beings as children of the same causes. The entire universe is love expression, that taught by Jesus Christ, creator of harmony, peace, understanding, enforceable against hatred - destructive, generating wars that killed 160 million people. Without making propaganda for religion, Dulcan believe that Jesus is the man who gave "expression of the highest intelligence that could ever live on earth" because he said everything is perfect superposition terms of modern science. And the most valuable concept brought by Jesus is forgiveness, which practically and effectively heals. Proven scientific fact, what we think is the first wave that propagates throughout the universe, which means that every moment of thought spread the love or hatred. Negative thoughts, negative emotions harm us first nine, then those around us, to all mankind. When you think about it, we call good, and when we think bad, bad draw. EACH OF US SHOULD CHANGE THE THOUGHTS FOR THE PLANET ! 

Humanity is at the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one, and the transition from one cycle to another purification was performed by disasters.It is believed that the transition from one cycle to another will be for the first time, the change in elevation.  There are no known consequences but initiates speak about radical transformations. We need to elevate our consciousness, to spiritualize us, given that the expected transformation will mean that a selection of low consciences will not pass. 

As in a game, saying "I know you do not believe me," Constantin Dulcan see  a picture of the future, a kind of paradise found, where all we'll adulthood, age 33 crystals. We will travel the conscience throughout the universe; Our DNA will get 12 strands; will eradicate the disease; we leave the physical form when we want, we find that we have completed the physical experience, which is a kind of school. There will be death, but a shift from physical to spiritual. There will be no lazy, will not be thieves, murderers, for high frequency universe will not be compatible with their low frequency. Carnivorous animals will disappear, we will be strict vegetarians, and the plants will work with us. Cars will disappear and transport will be done by spirit. 

"Do you believe all my fantasies?" Asked Professor Constantin Dulcan at the end , then offered the ultimate argument: experiences undeniable of tours extracorporeal where people live, whole, but with a high frequency of consciousness, traveled instantly over great distances or other sizes. In the conception of Dulcan, a frequency that will print the cosmos will change our minds and enable us to reach this paradise found. "If we continue like this, we will put an end to mankind. But I think we are helped from above to change our plans, we can save the planet, for us, for our children, for our grandchildren. I hope to be understood and wish you success! "Concluded Constantin Dulcan. How about to believe him? Atheists, agnostics or faith in God, we all live in a complicated world, whose mysteries and paradoxes never ceases to amaze us, whether we read in books or see them in television documentaries; How many have the intelligence to do we put questions to find no answer. A scientist shows us that we have a theory that power through love and spiritual elevation to save the world from destruction. We dare not believe him? We allow us to continue to hate? 



I really enjoyed these ideas. Thank you!

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