
Wow. I am truly elated by the great response that I've received from all you people - and so soon after posting! :c)

Special thanks to @minnowsupport, @creativesoul, @hr1 and others fer helping this post to gain more exposure as you feel it deserves. ^_^

I hope this response is indicative of at least some among you reflecting upon that whcih has been said here - that we humans have been approaching things wrong - and found it to ring true. Even if not - I look forward to the discussions that can be had. :c)

Thank you again you wonderful Steemitians! :cP

I thought it very well written and thought provoking.
Always nice to see things from a different perspective and challenge our way of thinking.
Perhaps some of these views can also color other issues that humanity faces.

This is my hope @creativesoul. :c)

It strongly hints toward the benefits of a decentralized approach - a concept that Steemit members should quite readily appreciate.

To tease just one more example - can you imagine how much more a structure of governance could achieve if the various factions dedicated just half of the effort that they allocate to fighting each other, instead towards the issues facing humanity?

To bring about an 'us and us' situation rather than an 'us versus them' situation.

Thank you again! ^_^

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