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RE: Acceptance and Balance.

Yes, community is definitely important. As we become bigger in our cities and distances traveled for work, we become more disconnected. Yet in theory we should also be able to find more people like us that we can connect with.

I grew up in a rough neighborhood, but never needed to swear. They used to tease me occasionally for being well spoken, but nothing other than that. I'm a redhead, though, so maybe it's the rumour of the temper which comes with it that meant people didn't mess with me. Lol! Or maybe it's the resting bitch face...🤔 I had the occasional person try it on, but just stared at them and they would leave me alone.

Few people are happy with their lot. It may not be as extreme as being born into the wrong gender, but you are right, we have to learn to live with what we're born with and accept the limits come with it. Some interesting thoughts on this, Arly. Thank you for your few cents. 😁

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It takes effort to find one's tribe but when you do it's awesome. I know more than others that one's tribe isn't necessarily the one they were born into.

The rough hood helps, being one of the lads helps, but what helps the most on the swearing department is if you've grown up around people who swore and was rough with their words on the regular.

I reckon being a ranga would have helped! ;) the resting bitch face would have worked a treat too!

Posted using Partiko Android

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