What One Sentence Can Change The World If Every Human Being Would Live By It?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago

Almost nobody is evil, almost nobody is stupid, almost everything is broken.
[Taken from the title of this blog]



“We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.” ~William James I think if we really thought about this sentence we would realize all kinds of things. Actions are not separate from intentions, we are only as free as our neighbour is , and that what I do in the world directly impacts others. I think if we could see how we are fundamentally connected and that how we act in the world matters....we could start to see our world a little differently and thus hopefully, start to live a little differently.

Know Thyself.

In doing so, you will heal your traumas and stop replaying the trauma through others.

Temet Nosce - like the sign that Neo saw at The Oracle's home.

It is so true. Thanks for the powerful short sentence. Followed. See you again @mindhunter

Sad but true :) I think the only thing to we can do to change this is being a good example !

I'm glad the sentence touched you Liza. I certainly touched me and made me read it quite a few times. The more you read it the more it makes sense :)

This great blog post express this sentiment and the forces behind it in a more beautiful and impactful way than almost anywhere else.

I shall take a look @vivalapanda. Merci!

Fair warning, it's real long.

Longer than you think it is ;)

respect nature

Eco-warrior! LIKE!! @toonpunk :) Cartoon on ....!

Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Treat others as they would like to be treated. 😊


Don't treat others how you don't want to be treated.

Interesting spin @redhens :) Good to see ya! Have a great day/night ... and don't let that husband over-Poloniex! ;)

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