What You Really Are From The Great Persian Poet Rumi

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)


Over 10 years ago while traveling in India I met a lovely and spiritual Persian woman who turned me on to the 13th century Persian poet/Sufi mystic Rumi. Although she didn't like or use the name "Rumi" which means from Rum - the name given to Turkey at that time. She used the name Mawlānā which means "our Master".

Rumi's real full given name was Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Balkhī. But for this post I'll refer to him as Rumi as that is the name by which he is most known. Apologises to my Persian friends.

Historians call Rumi a great "poet" and mystic. The term "Poet" seems to infer that Rumi was being creative intellectually in writing such beautiful passages for which he is known. I contend that Rumi didn't just invent or creatively come up with these ideas. I believe that he had these very real experiences on the level of his own very expanded consciousness, and then used his intellect to describe what he had experienced of God and the Universality of man(kind).

The purpose of this post and a few more that I will post is to read some of his writings and experiences and be inspired and motivated to develop ourselves so that we can also have these experiences.

"You are the entire ocean in a drop"

These are the words of an Enlightened person experiencing Unity Consciousness, also called Self-Realization. He has experienced within himself the unbounded ocean of Pure Consciousness; the infinite, eternal Reality underlying all of creation. This is an exalted state of Life beautifully expressed by a Self-realized Enlightened Soul.

In modern scientific concepts and terms some people are equating this underlying field of Pure Consciousness with the more recently discovered field by Physics called the "Unified Field". But that is another discussion.

What can a person do?

I have spent the last 45+ years of my life practising Transcendental Meditation. My goal is to develop Unity Consciousness and experience "The Entire Ocean in a drop, i.e.; within MySelf.

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