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RE: ---- Every Experience In Your Life Has Made You Who You Are Today -----

in #philosophy6 years ago


for the basis of simplicity of the analogy i only used 2 factors, but you are right there are usually a number of chioices which can be made which lead to various outcomes. Another consideration is the interventions of others on these choices as well, environmental factors and much more. it is quite multifaceted in nature...

The truth is the hooman condition makes us see things in a digital and binary way, this serves to aid cognitive ease coz thinking is hard, lolz. When we observe a result we see it as being "done" or "not done", but when we experience what needs to be done to gain the results we see the small steps that lead us there. change is constant and sometimes a gradual process... but us impatient hoomans say...


That binary/dualistic thing is just so hooman!!!

I’ve always wondered if it’s linked somehow to evolution, as in what would be the advantages to perceiving the world in that way other than another?

I’m particularly interested in it from my study into Taoist philosophy. It seems perfectly natural to me... but how much of that ‘perfect naturalness’ comes down to something out of my control (like evolution for example).

Posted using Partiko iOS

we design false dichotomies in the mind, lolz. I would say have a look at "'cognitive ease" , it indicates that the mind finds itself as being "too busy" to deal with such things so it simplifies the data (a little too much) so a quick decision can be made so it don't have to focus on the problem for too long.

This is the kind of basis for stereo types, pigeon holing and much more along these lines. It is useful in a sense, but like most things when abused or poorly used can have adverse effects... eg racism, sexism.... any "ism", lol

Aha. Ok, that’s now making a little sense why Taoist yinyang theory is not simply dualism and appears to have more in common with holographic/chaos theory ideas.... complexity underlying the simplicity!

There is a presupposition that the ‘false dichotomy’ is just a trick of human mind in that school of thought.

Thanks for the tip – any particular sources on cognitive ease that you’d recommend?

Posted using Partiko iOS

most psychology books will have some data on cognitive ease :)

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