----Coffee & Philosophy - Copes notes for the day ----

in #philosophy6 years ago


These are my notes i made while being part of @clayboyn 's show Coffee & Philosophy this is a behind the scene look at my method for the madness that is my mind kicking over as we discuss various topics such as psychedelics , their impact on consciousnesses, various speakers on the subject and the vast tangents we go on while traversing the mountain of diversity that is philosophy, psychology and the human condition.

all the points made on this sheet are not hit on the show but it does display a majority of what i bring to light on the show. there is no rhyme or reason.... or even order to the sheet , it sjust my process to keep on track of some thoughts which may be of interest. generally it is just a point of making notes where they fit. but it is my crazy process, lolz.

The Coffee & Philosophy show is a great listen and i most certainly recommend it for those interested in exploring consciousness and the human experience. @clayboyn and @meno are absolutely fantastic people to be delving into the deep end with as they are open to discussion which leads to progress and not based on going for "the win" and domination.

I must say that i love these forms of open discussion and am blessed to have such great friends to interact with at this level, its not easy to find people on the level who can discuss such topics, much love in all yall directions.



Sounded like a great show! Sorry I missed it!!! I always love the philosophy that spawns from all of you guys' minds! ;)

if you click the links it takes you to Clay's recording if you wanted to listen to it post event :)

Yes, its always interesting to witness and/or be part of productive conversation especially when there is that particular level of understanding where thoughts can be explored in theoretical sense and accepting we may have no answer, but executing the exercise anyway and seeing where it goes :) a great way to spend an evening in my books.... exploring the thought universe :)

Nice quote! I love it! And I listened to some of the recording last night, and going to finish it today. ;)

I know right ? i think that a fundamental issue of the hooman condition is that we think we know it all and got it all sorted. If we don't challenge our thoughts, structures and systems in place we will never evolve past them. part of this challenge is to think beyond what we believe is possible so we inch towards doing what is thought to be "the impossible".

let us know what you think when you get through the whole recording :) much love

the copian mind!!!

Good job Cope!

yes my brain spilled on a page for all to see, lolz. i was just saying to Clay before we started that this was my relatively new found process. I love our convos but sometimes i forget some good points as we traverse the the mountain of topics we cover. I started using this technique and it seems to work out considerably well.... i know it looks like a mess, but there is method in the madness, lolz. i definitely suggest giving it a go if like me you need those cues to bring the idea or concept back to mind.

A glimpse into the Cope hive mind. We are Cope. We are legion.

yes a glimpse into the messy scribbles that make some sense to me, lolz. yah, it can be challenging to write properly while keeping up with the conversation and chat as well. hella kudos to those that can pull it off smoothly.... i need my cues though ;)

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