We are all sheep

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

    Without a doubt a simple statement that we have all heard before, and in many scenarios an accurate description of our behavior. But I think the oversimplification on this observation has made us walk away from a constructive analysis.


Is our apparent herd mentality beneficial?
Is it really a negation of individuality?
If we can learn to recognize it, can we avoid it? And what would be the consequence?

It's not an obscure fact of history that humankind has relied on its social structures to thrive. And from a simple idea of a family, we went from forming tribes to developing cities, countries and governments based on ideology and morality.

I think it's undeniable that we do tend to follow a herd, and it’s not so far fetched to imagine how this could have been beneficial to us when the world was a much dangerous place. Imagine if you will a small group of people running away from danger, it would only be reasonable for others to run in the same direction even if they have not fully understood the threat.

But, is this behavior a negation of our individuality?


Maybe the answer is too nuanced as to be explained with a clever sentence. Individualism and consequently new ideas have led us to move forward in our understanding of life. It’s because of this fact that it is boxed as a positive package. But realistically we all seem to have these two conflicting elements of our mind dancing in a delicate equilibrium. Too much individualism and the person becomes not beneficial to its surroundings, and just the opposite it's true as well.

Can we recognize when we are acting a sheep? Can we go against our initial compulsion to react in compliance?

I would argue that in most cases we can recognize it. I would hesitate to call it an easy task, but many of humanity’s religious and spiritual rituals are in various ways an attempt of self analysis and reflection.


Imagine if you will that the individual that you identify as yourself is a complex web of ideas that you have accumulated over the years. Some ideas are deeply rooted and very close to your self image or core, some live in the outskirts of this web and are replaced often or even forgotten.

Now these ideas would not be specific to any particular subject and would probably if represented graphically would vary in size and color. But what i find the most interesting is that this web is also its own gatekeeper and cleaning agent.

I mean, we are met with new ideas every day of our lives, most of them bounce right off. Maybe because we don’t understand them, or simply because we flat out disagree with them.

But just like a computer system there are hackers and hacks for lack for a better terms that bypass these filters, and some of them are quite effective, establishing new ideas very close to the core of who we are.


I would argue that it is precisely because of this that we find it hard to talk about charged topics. And it seems to be close to impossible to disagree respectfully with somebody about religion and politics.

So, what is the point I'm trying to make?

I do not intend to light the path to follow, to endorse rebellion or compliance, but to invite people to adopt a more pragmatic analysis of their stance, to their deepest convictions. To attempt to recognize when an Ideology has truly been the result of careful analysis or simply a hack and make an effort to approach disagreements with a our fellow humans always equipped with the lens of empathy.


All images: Pixabay


This post was very informative thank you for sharing
you have my upvote

Thank you for reading @mannyfig1956

Oh! meno you say some interesting things. The herd analysis is very interesting and one of my bugbears at visiting somewhere, be it beach or restaurant, is that I don't like to be leader of the pack. I've been on huge desolate seeming beaches and found a whole "herd" of people sitting near to me in minutes with a whole space available in the rest of the beach. Daft and there's nothing I can do about it. I've even asked a waiter not to lead me to his station where there are occupants already seated, as I'd prefer to sit where I want to be seated. This doesn't make me selfish, just that I like a bit of space. So maybe selfishness is part of not wanting to follow a herd. I'm happy to do so however, if the herd is leading to good causes that will benefit humanity. Your thoughts are maybe a bit high for some of the Steemians on board here but I get your drift. Good for you to start a debate aimed at the right direction.

I believe we all have an invisible bubble of individuality that is a certain size that we don't want others to breach or fuse with others - what is mine (this space, this fashion, these interests, these ambitions). It might seem selfish to maintain such a unique bubble but its actually still part of the grand scheme... we are always part of a larger herd. Even single cell organisms used to be unique individuals at some point, but through evolution they found the benefits of being sheep to outweigh the benefits of being a lone wolf. Which way are we headed? Can anyone shine if everyone else shines? A heard is very necessary - it is how we reference our own individuality. Without such reference we cant know our own individuality. Anyway just my two steem cents. :)

Want the herd to thrive but I need to shine! Thanks for your interesting comments. JV

Than you for reading @jvalentine , I actually can relate very much to how you feel.. I've gone as far as to stop listening to a certain artist because he has become to popular (which i know is pretty crazy).. I don't think I'm alone on that one, but I admit it makes little sense. Anyways thank you again for taking your time to read... Much success to you

Thank you meno, my pleasure and so glad you replied, makes me feel I'm not alone! Good wishes. JV

We are all sheep! i see it though, i stopped following the crowd a very long time ago. This causes problems in life when you're different than other people and see things in a different way. Being different is not accepted in our society, you get treated differently. I see it when im round large numbers of people the same age like as festivals.

Thank you for reading @henosis , I can definitely relate to that odd man out in a festival feeling. Cheers

I am a wolf in world full of sheeps

@meno, well put and interesting subject! I also like how it leads one to think about the ideas they hold. The "web" analogy is really great. We should all look into the web of our mind to see which ideas we innocently welcomed that can potentially hijack our whole mind.

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

Great post, I like it!
"Is our apparent herd mentality beneficial?" I think it does, but not for the individual but for society as a whole (we may be a superorganism already without understanding it).

Please check my new post, I think you will like it!

Hey @paps thanks for reading, I just checked your post and decided it needed well deserved resteem

Thank you soo much, I really appreciate it!

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