Welcome, To The Piranha Lounge!

in #philosophy5 years ago

Just finished up making an intro video for the "Piranha Lounge" YouTube Channel. (The end result for ideas developed and discussed within The Piranha Lounge Groups on MeWe and Minds) Check it out and let me know what you think so far...will my project sink or swim? Adjusted the audio levels and re-uploaded the video! Check it out now and become part of the action!

Video/Channel are also available on BitChute Here:


Please watch, like, subscribe, and join the groups to become a part of the creative process.

MeWe Group:


Minds Group:


Hope to hear some great ideas from you soon!

#ThePiranhaLounge #PiranhaLounge #YouTube #BitChute #MeWe #MInds #CreatorsUnite #Creator #Philosophy #Community #SocialExperiment #Life #Universe #Everything #FortyTwo

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