Kabbalah and Pesach (Passover): How to get out of exile in Egypt and reach the upper worlds

in #philosophy6 years ago


When Kabbalists analyze the Torah and meditate on the transcendental meaning of celebrations and their commandments or mizvot, as in the case of Passover, we should not be confused.

They do not do so from the point of view of the formal Hebrew religion, although it does not bother them at all that the Jews remember the scape from Egypt by eating unleavened bread, and keeping all the commandments demanded by the kosher life.

Neither do they remember simple historical facts, legends, sagas. It is not a debate about the historical existence of Moses, the Pharaoh, the exodus, the crossing of the Red Sea or the manna.

They are talking about something else, which, curiously, includes all of the above but transcends it: it is about the energetic meaning that the categories such as Passover, Pharaoh, the desert, the exile, the plagues and Egypt have in our lives and in our path of ascent to the upper worlds.

What is the meaning of all these categories, of all these stories that are encoded in the Torah, in the Bible?

It is, simply, a way to present the struggle against the desire to receive, our inner battle to get out of exile, of selfishness, and thus access the lights of the upper worlds, to finally reach the correction, the fullness in this life, here and now.


We have said in our previous posts that the essence of the human being is the desire to receive, the ego. But that ego must be corrected with the passage of time, with the growth of both the subject and society, and even of the world.

To remain in selfishness without learning to interact with others, without learning to grant to maintain harmony and homeostasis, is not to grow, it is to remain in an eternal infantilism.

That is what Pharaoh means, the desire to receive. It is not simply a historical figure, nor is it something external to us. It is the innermost and deepest thing that we have since we are born: the ego, the desire to receive without worrying about others.

That desire has alienated us from the world, from the cosmos. It is what Egypt and exile mean.

But a different force appears, Moses, who tells everyone: "Come on, let's get out of exile!" And the moment everyone agrees, prodigies and plagues begin to happen.

But it is not about pests against third parties: they are plagues and sufferings against our inner Pharaoh, against our ego. We live this plagues, we suffer them, because we want to remain in selfishness, in the comfort of enjoyment for ourselves. And we can certainly stay that way all our lives: but we will be slaves forever.

Then this force will appear, Moses, and it will tell us that we must all be guarantors of each other, that we can ask for all the miracles we want, and whenever they are asked with the desire to bestow with our neighbors, those wishes, those requests will become a new reality, will come true.

It is not that the Creator is going to grant us a miracle: simply, the system is designed like this, its results are perfectly predictable, and the only thing we have to learn is how everything works, how to correct our reception vessel, to exit from exile, from Egypt, and free us from Pharaoh.

This is what we really celebrate in Pesach, in Passover, the way out of our selfishness, the correction. It is an opportunity, it is a reminder, to continue on this path that the Kabbalists have pointed out to us since the time of Abraham, following with Moses (because we believe that he really existed), when he received (le-kabel, Kabbalah), the wisdom of the Creator on Mount Sinai, to transmit it to the elders, the sages, the priests, the prophets, the tribes, and then to all of Humanity.

Óscar Reyes-Matute
(Samuel Ibn Motot / שמואל אבן מתת)


Video recommended
Rav Laitman's Morning Lesson: Understanding Pesach (Passover)


Really, so well explained. Very soon, "everyone" will know that Torah is speaking about then and now, about those people in history and about my best and worst self. May Moshe "appear" in each of us...


Thank you, inphiknit. Is really easy when after a decade studying with reb Laitman, you think about Passover, and check a related video. All those lessons come to your mind, to your heart, and the wish to spread the wisdom of Kabbalah makes the rest. My simple intention is just give a couple of headlines, and reccomend the video. I learned it from you, ha ha ha. Jag Sameaj Pesach!

Yeah, it's for very few people that I can explain anything better than a Rav would. So let the Rav do the explaining!~

After those years of study, your desire to share is very good! Enjoy your seder sharing with friends and family! Chag kasher v'sameach!

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