True Lesson Of Life . Performing Duty. From Bhagvad Geeta.

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Lord Krishna speaks to Arjun about Karma Yoga (Selfless Action) in details. I Translate The conversation from Sanskrit to English in my own Way.

Arjun: He asks to Lord Krishna that What is best option for him in life, whether he should go for devotion for finding true inner knowledge or he should go for Selfless Action.

Krishna: He speaks to Arjun that nobody in Universe can acheive freedom from bondage of action ( Rebirth cycle) without doing duty the work. Detachment from material life and perform only spiritual work can not give success of true liberation that is Unification with the universal lord.
He speaks to Arjun that all human being performs work either bodyly or by mind According To nature or Environment surroundings them.
He speaks to Arjun that Some people able to Control all the Sense of organs by work but if they are not able control them from his mind, then they are foolish.
He speaks to Arjun that Human being can achieve freedom from circle of rebirth and can be united with universal God by his Selfless work, a work without Asking any Results/Fruits, work that is not self motivated , for upliftment of others, without thinking about the failure and victory in it, just thinking that is his duty towards life.
Gods give us life, happyness, wealth. We have to remember him in our daily life by devotional activities, and by work accordingly god's way. If We eat food for only ourselfs without thinking about others and God's, then we are doing sin towards Him.
Lord Krishna speaks to Arjun that there are some people who are innermineded, very near to his Soul, He don't need anything, don't depends on others, don't regret, happyness, sorrow all equal to him.
Those people are above the bondage of works they are also preforming their duty selflessly and and Finnaly meets gods.
He Speaks that Wise people should perform their duties in such a way that others also followed him.
All works we do, everything is control by our nature, but some body thinks that it is he doing by himself.
He speaks that our sense organ is better than our body and our mind is better than our sense organ and our Intelligence is better than our sense organ. Above intelligent there is our Soul. We have to Control our sense organ in such way that
We can control our Desire, our Lust, Anger, our Materialistic attachment, our Greed, our Arrogance, our Jealousy.
Then only we can performed our Selfless duty towards our life and finally can meet our universal Soul.
Lord Krishna speaks to Arjun that He creates the Universe, nature, human, everything. Everytime when Evil dominated in human beings He Comes and destroy all evils and established the truth.
He Speaks to Arjun that, if we think that we are doing nothing, everything doing by our soul and our soul control by Nature. Then only we can performed true Selfless work, Without asking any Result/Friuts, not asking a Materialistic Reward From it ,only thinking is a great duty for just a general living and by this way we can Free Our self from the Endless Circle of Rebirth.

Arjun asks him that What is the Best way to Unified with God.
Lord Krishna speaks him that there is many ways human can unified with him.
By Devotional/Worship, by Selfless Works, By Mental Discipline/ By Philosophy. Our Goal is to Manifest Divinity Within us by controlling our Desire, Anger, our Materialistic attachment, our Greed, our Arrogance, our Jealousy, and controlling all our sense of organs to performs the work to attain the Divinity.
We have to choose one idea thats most suit to us which is shown by our teachers, then follow it most, living within it, love it, dreaming within it, lets our every breaths, our brain, our muscles, full with that idea.

Lord Krishna speaks to Arjun that all this paths are equally treated by Him. There is no difference in those paths but above those he likes most to person who staying with the people and performs Selfless Deeds for the sake of Humanity, his Minds, his Works, and the Sense of Organs equally behaves like that he is doing nothing, everything governed by God's. That person unified with the universal God's very Easily.

To be Continued.
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Thank you for your translation @malay11 :-)

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