more bollocks about humans earth and tarmac

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

what are we , as we watch the tv set, what are we as we drive our cars, what do we become as we shop in the mall or city centers for stuff.

i get sick of it , seeing humans arguing in the street, being nasty to another or  shouting and bipping their horns at one another while driving these boxes of metal believing they sit in a safety bubble.

understanding one another , yeah right , so it seems nobody does, we are all on our own surrounded by others.

walking around like zombies consuming stuff made from abroad or here n there.

we have houses and concrete covering the land with tarmac roads a plenty and still we need more , more more more.

climate change, a likely reality and a great excuse for taxation to occur to dip into your pocket like brexit or speeding fines, take take take it all , council tax tax tax and more tax , parking tickets blah blah blah.

worker bees , work and consume , give the owners more and more , create a business make some cash , feed the machine with loot.

dare to put cardboard or plastic in the wrong bin and get a fine or a sticker on your bin warning you.

dare to speak at times , dare to voice decent to the complete shit of government and the total crap they spout.

the far right , what a crock of shit , spreading the seeds of fear and doubt and the heads down in the sand refusing to see as im all right jack , until you aint.

what government uk ? what government anywhere ?

dare to feel free , dare to run out of your house in summer rain and soak yourself within the water.

seen as mad in a world that sees freedom and joy as something that cant be afforded in the money machine that has gone insane like apocalypse now.

the soil in your hand and stuck on the end of a spade as you dig is reality , rain water, trees clouds sky birds animals bees insects flowers , that is a basis for reality , it is reality grounded and real.

as i waffle on in this post i dont even know what my brain is doing , just a mass of different thoughts as i sit here wondering why i am actually here on this planet , why i was born and what the fuck am i doing here , only to one day die 

whats it all about , what the fucking fuck is it all for , born to die what a pile of bullshit that is.

many will say life is great , to me not really , life is a trial of some sort which leads to who knows what later when you shuffle off this mortal place.

creation , just we are , i exist therefore i am , etc etc , no answers just you are , deal with it, what a load of bollocks.    

the whole world is a scam and yes what a very cynical attitude i hold

at this present time to me this planet resembles apocalypse now , i love the smell of napalm in the morning mentality , nuts madness and plain fuckwittedness.

welcome to 2017 and the madness of planet nuts . 

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