The Three Powerful Words; Can't Change It

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

How often do we fall into negativity when everything in our life seems to go in a different direction? How often do we dwell in the past trying to find an object to blame for something we can not control?

Picture via pexel

Those questions resonates with my current experience dealing with negativity which was shrouding like clouds above my head. I had been spending my time trying to become a victim of something that was not under my own will and control. And that made me carry a heavy baggage everywhere I go. It was very difficult to let go especially it carried a lot of powerful memories and even some parts of me. Yet, one night somewhere in a hotel room, I cried for my current lifestyle where everything was fleeting moments. I realized, I was trying to runaway from the baggage I was carrying all along with me.

Then, one day Z referred me to a powerful and insightful speech from Hal Elrod titled “ what matters the most?”. I was slightly reluctant and just kept it on hold. Until one night while I was spending my time at my friend's house, I listened to it. Hal was the most positive individual I've ever known my entire life. He went through devastating car accident and later on cancer that was about to take his life. Despite all of those, he still managed to be the most positive individual I've came across.

Can't Change It

Those three powerful words are his life philosophy and that moment, I knew and began to understand that there are things that I really have no power to change. I just don't have that super power to instantly change someone's action towards me. I've been positioning myself as a victim of an accident that brought me into all of current struggles I have in my life. However, I am learning to look at it differently. It's not so bad after all, It's been a long journey recovering but I get to have a whole lot of fun discovering the new me.

I can not go back in time to tell myself to stay in my flat. I can not even tell the boy who hit me to not come across my way. I can not go back in time to redo the feeling that someone had for me. I can not go back in time to tell my natural mother to not give birth of me. It all happened for a reason and I accept that I can't change it.

Would you accept that sometimes you can't change something beyond your control?

Be it natural disaster, Be it the feeling someone had for you, be it accident and even financial loss. I learn that we can only walk through it and remember each important lesson. Thus next time it happens again, you will at least know how to handle it better.

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Hi @macchiata! Your positive approach to life based on your own experience or other's story will surely be of great help to us all who should accept things that we cannot change and move forward.

By the way, can you permit me to share your real-life post on my project Love D'Unloved [True Stories Collection]?

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