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RE: The Purpose of Life

in #philosophy7 years ago

I used to ask myself these kind of things all the time - until I spoke to a guy one night.

After waxing lyrical about the various perspectives, and ideologies, philosophies, his own philosophy - his outlook - was far superior to my own..

You live, you die. This we know.
To live, and feel alive, is to strive - is to have a purpose in life.
NO purpose, no happiness.

_"Living and dying - without having as much happiness in between as possible - is a royal fuck up on your part."

I stopped waxing lyrical too much after that conversation.

I found disappearing up my own rectum on regular basis, just wasn't conducive to finding any purpose, or happiness. lol

Dissecting things perpetually just kept you in the same place, while giving you the hallucinatory sensation that you was moving somewhere....

I'll stop now....

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