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RE: Crazy Exes: Who are you calling crazy?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Cutting the wires is about expectation, conditioning and emotional response to a each particular event.

  • Expectation: Yours and the other persons expectations of each other. Our little tyrant inside is always expecting things from others.
  • Conditioning: expectations are formed through prior conditioning, some of these are helpful, some are not.
  • Emotional response: Our emotional response is guided by our conditioning and expectations, however reinforced by a kind of moral posturing and the feeling we get from the chemicals release when experiencing some emotion, which can be a little addictive (reinforcing the emotional response & the propensity to responding in a like manner in the future).

example: If someone does some action (not to us, independent of us) and we feel hurt (emotionally) by that action, we experience an emotion. The emotion is based on how we expected the other person to behave, and perhaps they did something we did not expect and therefore we (on moral grounds) create an emotion surrounding our perceived effect of their action. Actually they did nothing to us, they just acted, we felt hurt because reality did not meet our expectations.

The hard part is letting go of the expectation of others, which means re-evaluating the meaning of trust. Really trust is just prejudiced and hopeful expectation of someone. Prejudiced because you may feel a level of rapport with that person and hopeful, because you never know how one will act.

Note: the above is only my opinion and was an effective model that allowed me to change how I responded to others actions (cutting the wires). It is by no means meant to be an exhaustive explanation or truth on our emotions and how we handle them.


Thanks for this. I actually never thought about from that perspective.

..."The hard part is letting go of the expectation of others, which means re-evaluating the meaning of trust."

I'm not sure my inner tyrant wants to let go of this power.
I really appreciate your info and comment!

no probs,

..."The hard part is letting go of the expectation of others, which means re-evaluating the meaning of trust."

I Probably should of said letting go of our expectation of others. But I think you got my meaning by the sounds of it.
inner tyrants never do, I am the biggest culprit. I guess the difference is I am more aware when I do it now.

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