Technophobia - Irrational Fear of Technology And It's Detrimental Consequences For Our Society

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Technophobia - this irrational fear is usually projected by people who are scientifically illiterate or people who feel that their lifestyle (sense of identity) may be threatened by certain technology.
Most of people take technology for granted, failing to understand that it has always been an inseparable part of human existence and evolution. Homo Sapiens cannot exist without technology.
Introduction of primitive technology by certain homininae stimulated their evolution, especially cognitive development towards Homo Sapiens.
If you think that you can survive without technology, then try to live in wilderness without clothing, shelter and any tools (including using primitive tools like stones or sticks). You will not survive few days. You will quickly die from either hypothermia or food poisoning or by drinking unpurified water. etc.

People can attempt to look for illusionary emotional comforting by deluding themselves through all sorts of beliefs/ideologies like religious, political, "spiritual", pagan, wishful thinking, tribal - you name it, but these will not protect us from harsh environment or satisfy our basic human needs. Only technology will help to satisfy your basic human needs such as shelter, food, water. If we don't have these basic needs met you won't be able to satisfy your other human needs like need for emotional attachment, need for social interaction and or need physical contact with other people.
Everything man-made, around us is technology: house, pen, bed, medications, food production, food processing (cooking), water sanitation, clothing, books, etc.

Technology and science is neither negative nor positive, or so called "good" or "evil". Technology gives only the tools. It is up to humans to decide how they will apply these tools.
You can apply these tools in sustainable way, meaning for the betterment of humanity, or you can apply these tools in unsustainable way, meaning damaging our global environment, that we all share.



"Technology and science is neither negative nor positive, or so called "good" or "evil". " Correct. Very good post.

Thanks for comment @blue1950

There seems to be a growing "culture" of people who claim to be technophobes and most of it is complete BS because as you point out these people are still using all kinds of technology anyway.

I think partly this is related to poor education and lack of knowledge about science.

You are right. It seems like some sort of social fashion to be technophobe. Those technophobes often use appeal to nature fallacy or slippery slope.
In the end, you find out that it all denominates to lack of scientific literacy.

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