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RE: Lucid Dreaming: Techniques to Induce Conscious Sleep

in #philosophy7 years ago

I have a question for you, which may be hard to answer. When you "go lucid" in a dream, what are your thoughts like? Would you say you are thinking normal, and have control over your thoughts, or are your thoughts kind of "tripped out" and abnormal (like, you are completely aware of the thoughts in your mind, but they are not in line with what you might normally be thinking in response to the situation occurring in your dream)? I know this is probably extremely difficult to answer, but I've always wondered about this. Maybe one day I will discover for myself if I ever master lucidity!


I would say that my thoughts are normal. Very clear. Especially when you have strong lucidity and a lot of control in the dream. Something to keep in mind is that lucid dreams do not last long. Like 3 minutes up to maybe 20 if you are lucky. For me my longest one was probably 5-6 minutes. There's not a lot of time to analyze your thoughts, its kind of like this surprised "oh shit, I'm dreaming what should I do? Fly!" and then go. Or look just look around. I would say that my thoughts are minimal like if you were doing something you have never done before just taking everything in. Hopefully that helps!

That makes alot of sense! Thanks for giving me a little insight :)

No problem. Good luck!

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