The Chipper Upbeat 90's Song That is Actually About Crystal Meth

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

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The song “Semi-Charmed Life” by Third Eye Blind is an upbeat alternative rock song that was released in the late 90’s (1997).

Though the song has a very upbeat and chipper tone and feel to it, many people do not realize that the song is actually a dark song about sex and doing hard drugs like speed and crystal meth.

Interestingly, the line “I want something else” was originally supposed to be “I want nothing else” but it was changed before the song was released. I think the original lyrics adds a new dimension to the song when put into context. The phrase "I want nothing else" in relation to crystal meth is a little unsettling for a lot of people so in a way, I can see why it was altered.

In this article I analyze the song’s lyrics and provide my interpretation for their meaning.


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My original interpretation of the song was that it is only about a man’s connection with a drug and that when the singer refers to “her” or "she," he is actually referring to the drug and not an actual person. However, that interpretation becomes increasingly hard to sustain as the song progresses. In the end I interpreted it as a man and a woman get together in an orgy of drugs and sex.

I'm packed and I'm holding

I'm smiling, she's living, she's golden

And she lives for me

She says she lives for me


A man (presumable the lead singer of band or one in a similar position) is elated by the fact that he has drugs and that there is a woman in the audience at the show that is beautiful (golden) and that she wants to hook up with him. The woman is excited, she lives for him with a sustain enthusiastic appreciation – “ovation.”

She's got her own motivation

She comes round and she goes down on me

And I make her smile

It's like a drug for you

Do ever what you want to do

Coming over you

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The man has motivations - to get high and hook up, but she has her own motivations as well – presumable to sleep with a rock star or maybe she's in love. She goes back stage and goes down on him and has power over him.

Pleasing him and seeing his euphoria towards her, acts like a drug for her and she smiles. They get each other high. The man is locked in her power and at this point he tells her to do whatever she wants to him. She is free to take him wherever she wishes to go. He is in an orgasmic state with her.

Keep on smiling, what we go through

One stop to the rhythm that divides you

And I speak to you like the chorus to the verse

Chop another line like a coda with a curse

And I come on like a freak show takes the stage

We give them the games we play, she said

He impresses her with his musings and his poems. He Does a line of meth and then puts on a show for her. High and erratic he is a bit of a freak show.

But he is also an actor and he uses his skills to impress and entertain her.

I want something else

To get me through this

Semi-charmed kind of life, baby, baby

I want something else

I'm not listening when you say


But he is actually bored. He wants something else. He hates his almost perfect (semi-charmed) life. The drugs are wearing off but he ignores that. He refuses to acknowledge that his high feeling is going away. He refuses the drugs saying goodbye.

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The sky it was gold, it was rose

I was taking sips of it through my nose

And I wish I could get back there

Some place back there

Smiling in the pictures you would take

Doing crystal myth

Will lift you up until you break

It won't stop

I won't come down, I keep stock

With a tick-tock rhythm and a bump for the drop

And then I bumped up

I took the hit I was given

Then I bumped again

And then I bumped again

How do I get back there to

The place where I fell asleep inside you?

How do I get myself back to

The place where you said

I want something else

To get me through this

Semi-charmed kind of life, baby, baby

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He takes more drugs. He snorts them repeatedly in little sips to sustain his high. He doesn’t want to come down so he bumps again and again in a rhythm like clockwork.

He chases a high. Trying to re-experience what it was like when he first tried the drug. Trying to get back to the place when he first realized that he was bored with his life and decided to try meth.

It’s a feeling that many drug users go through – they chase their first high which they can never get back to.

I believe in the sand beneath my toes

The beach gives a feeling

An earthy feeling

I believe in the faith that grows

And the four right chords can make me cry

When I'm with you I feel like I could die

And that would be all right

All right

When he is on the drugs he loves his life. He feels alive and connected to the earth. He feels his emotions that are so powerful, he could cry. When he is on the drug he feel alright in his skin.

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When the plane came in

She said she was crashing

The velvet it rips

In the city we tripped

On the urge to feel alive

But now I'm struggling to survive

The days you were wearing

That velvet dress

You're the priestess, I must confess

Those little red panties

They pass the test

Slide up around the belly

Face down on the mattress


Now you hold me

And we're broken

He is back in town for a show. His plane has come in and he is meeting up with the girl again. They get high together and explore the city. But it’s not the same this time. He reminisces about the other times they were together but now it’s different. Something feels broken.

Still its all that I want to do just a little

Feel myself with a head made of the ground

I'm scared but I'm not coming down

And I won't run for my life

She's got her jaws just locked now in smile

But nothing is all right

All right

I want something else

To get me through this life

I want something else

I'm not listening when you say


She is in love with him but he doesn’t feel the same way towards her. She smiles at him and he sees that she loves him, but it doesn’t feel right.

He has an almost perfect life but nonetheless, he wants something else. He wants his drugs.


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Overall, the song suggests that we are never truly satisfied with our lives. We always want something. The grass is always greener on the other side and we end up chasing highs to satisfy our ego.

How do we get to a place of contentment? How do we get to a place of satisfaction?


Image Sources 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Thanks For Reading



Interesting analysis breakdown.
This band was huge for me when I was younger.
They put on a great live show.

Thank you :)
Yeah, I was pretty young when they came out. I think I got this song on the "Big Shiny Tunes" album haha.

I've been listening to them again lately. A lot of these older songs are making a comeback now it seems.
I never saw them in concert though.

Thanks for the comment

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