
I don't know if I agree with this platitude as I can think of multiple scenarios where a dream chaser might not be motivated by trying to impress.

Here is a random example for you:
Imagine you are stranded on a deserted island. Of course your biggest dream is to leave the island so you are constantly working to do so. What is the motivation of this hypothetical castaway?

Just trying to spark a bit of conversation :)

You are trying to impress your self . e.g "I survived"

Nah... I think the motivation would be 100% driven by the desire for social interaction, not to impress the self. Mr. Castaway is lonely...

social interaction requires people. Castaway is a great example since he is basically creating a mirror of himself to motivate him out of the situation.

Doubtful escape. Some people chase dreams out of necessity or for fun and entertainment and don't care much what other people think.
Also, in the case of impressing yourself the number of witnesses in dream and reality is the same, so, according to your aphorism, there is no difference between dream and reality when you're only trying to impress yourself. Really?


There is actually a way to demonstrate this factually. Try to remember things that happened 2 years ago. Now try to remember a dream that you had 2 years ago. The brain often mixes the two making them indistinguishable.

I don't doubt that can happen, but it doesn't always or completely happen, as per your aphorism.

It's interesting enough, though. I know that when I used to write autobiographic short stories, I organised, changed and embellished to make the story more interesting, knowing full well things didn't happen exactly that way.

Twenty years later, some stories have become my memories, and friends who were there need the photos to convince me I remember incorrectly.

It's like the brain or the writer feels a need to organise what is random, and finds it easier or more pleasant to remember the organised version. Historians fall into this trap also, only with other people's memories.

The truth is that no single memory is "clean" since we spoil all other experiences and memories with dreams. It is much like the water of the earth. In every glass you are basically drinking the piss of every single creature that ever lived.

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