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RE: Debunking Religious Notions - Rebuttal of @gavvet 's : Entropy vs Christ

in #philosophy8 years ago


oh well then read up on existentialism, nihilism and such.
you aren't the first one to formulate these thoughts - it might be worth a look.
I repeat: You start out on Rebuttal, Debunking and proof and heavy words like that. Then: science cannot possibly prove anything.
If logic cannot proof anything then don't bother starting out like that.
Lack of discipline I'd call it.
Good luck !

I am very well versed both with extistentialism and nihilism. You need to read up on basic epistemology before framing everything with philosophy.

Newton used to demonstrate different things than Heisenberg even if they had the same subject. Th enquiry evolved. They were both scientists. Like I said, science never proves. Science can only demonstrate based on the techniques it uses (and there are many tecniques). Most likely, in the future, some other scientist will add to this puzzle of demonstrable refinement

You are jumping to conclusions way too fast. Get a hold of your self.