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RE: Willful ignorance is vogue. What can we do about it?

in #philosophy7 years ago

When I was a teenager, Family Guy's first 3 seasons aired before it got cancelled. It was a hit for me, and others. I later disliked the show and others that popularize idiocy. There are positives, like mocking falsity in society, but overall I deviated from the infatuation with idiocy that seemed to grow from the start of the new millennium.

Being more intelligent makes people automatically feel inferior to that comparative level of intelligence, just as it would be for someone of superior strength where others are inferior in strength and yet want to be stronger and don't like that someone else is stronger. Some people don't like how things are, and want to deny what currently is. It also happens with morality and behavior, where someone who does things better, who lives more right, is disliked because of the automatic contrast it provides with those who don't live up to that level of morality. And people don't want to face their own behavior in that contrast, preferring to deny that the contrast is of a moral dimension at all.

The "be in the now" that is popularized by "New Agers" and others is insidious as it takes root like a mind virus, and coupled with that emphasis on "well-being" to "feel-good", there is a systematic blindness that emerges as a positivity mask.

"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."

The key to not repeat past mistakes into the future (thinking they are correct actions to take) lies in understanding wrong-actions that have already been done. Syneidesis for synderesis. Conscience of the past actions as a guide to create future actions.


I agree and disagree :)
The living in the now nonsense of newageism is just a baseless scream of yolo. I don't see ' in the now' in that way. The way I look at it is that one would be supremely sensitive (not emotionally) to what IS in the moment, not what they want to be there or imagine to be there. It is not about forgetting (or ignoring) the lessons of the past, but applying them correctly in the moment. If one is not in the moment, their actions in that moment would be insensitive to the requirements of the moment which would create conflicts, violence etc.

Most people I think tend to claim a 'in the moment ' approach but as @dwinblood said, it is willful ignorance. Willful meaning aiming for a result (future) to remain ignorant of something (avoidance of a known - past) This obviously creates an internal conflict and any action born from it will be poor. They do tgus selectively based on their desires or to avoid facing their fears. How can that be the moment?

It is 2am here and I am trying to get ny daughter to sleep longer. Hopefully you understand the ramble :)

Well said. Thanks this is a very complimentary comment to go along with my article.

Thanks. Usually my comments try to compliment relevant information with respect to the topic hehe. And forgot to resteem, done now.

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