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RE: We have a Democracy and thus are wiser than you back water Dictatorship types...

in #philosophy7 years ago

Damn it, I had written and posted a comment earlier in FF, but usually I use Chrome, and for some reason it's not here.

So the gist was that their is a tendency to trust decision making that is done for you moreso when its done by more people than one person. There is personal bias that usually conflicts with an honest appraisal of the right decision to make for all involved/affected.

I think you've seen If You Were King by Larken Rose? That illustrates one side taht is usually bad, of just one person calling the shots for all. Sure it can be good, there can be times were it's better to have the wise leader than the despotic mod rule of people who don't know what they are doing lol. But that's not how things last it seems...

The other side that is better, is when more people are involved. The i deal is unanimous decision making which requires more responsibility on the part of each individual. This maximizes out potential for freedom and autonomy. It's not something familiar to most people, since the abdication of personal responsibility though voting representatives to decide things for us is the familiar thing.

I had said a bit more, or in a different way, but I can't remember ;)


I'm glad to see you're still around. I was talking about you with someone else yesterday I think. We both had thought you had dropped off the radar. I am glad that you didn't.

My main thing here is that quantity of people does not make something better. It can be just as bad, worse, or in some case better. This is also true when it is one person.

Ultimately the idea that someone else can dictate what you are allowed and not allowed to do even with things like victimless crimes is a problem whether an individual is mandating such rules, or a group.

Indeed, I agree. It's the tendency though, a bias that favor quantity. I think I had also said something about people just tacitly accept decisions based on that bias tendency, rather that actually evaluating the decision itself for validity. Like biases do, they bypass proper thinking hehe.

I took a few weeks away as a protest to the flags. I'll try to post solutions like some want me to. Maybe something will come of it :) . I didn't see it as productive the first time since it's not an issue enough people care about. I just went back to making people aware of the flagging issue. Maybe now a solution will be more welcome just to shut me up lol. Ahh... to just stand down, go along to get along, keep the peace, then all of the changes from the flagging fuss would likely not have happened and I would not have been a target :P lol. I knew the repercussion potential beforehand as I'm familiar with what happens when immune authority is challenged, and know why so many people don't stand up to issues or stand with others. Thanks for speaking/posting on the issue.

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