7 ways to quickly and easily fall asleep !!!!

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Hello my favorite Stimians! Now I want to touch on a theme such as insomnia! Recently, I noticed that for a very long time I can not fall asleep and looked for solutions in the Internet and found several ways .. And I want to share them with you ...

By the way, the use of all at once or individual techniques from today's list not only helps to fall asleep, but also improves the overall quality of sleep during the night.

  1. Transfer cares from the head to paper

Or, in other words, leave all the worries behind the bedroom door. For two or three hours before sleep, describe your concerns in a diary and, if possible, offer your solutions immediately. Put the entries in the desk drawer and symbolically leave them in another room. Go back to work and thoughts before the next day.

  1. If hungry, make an easy and proper snack

To avoid problems with falling asleep, the last meal should take place no later than three hours before bedtime. At the same time for dinner it is desirable to eat "soothing" food - a combination of protein with vegetables. Avoiding heavy fatty foods and any products containing caffeine (such as chocolate and many kinds of tea). If closer to the night you are seriously hungry - arrange a very light snack. For example, a banana, one homemade oatmeal cookies, cabbage or a handful of almonds or pumpkin seeds.

  1. Do not use blue light sources one hour before sleep

This includes TV, computer, tablet and mobile phone. The artificial blue light emitted by these devices suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates circadian rhythms and helps us fall asleep.

  1. Take a warm shower for the night.

This will relax the muscles, as well as slightly increase the body temperature, which will help in regulating all the same circadian rhythms. It works this way ... In the evening our body is gradually cooling down, than it launches mechanisms that help us to fall asleep. Often, however, we miss the ideal moment to go to sleep, and the body temperature drops below the optimal level, which, on the contrary, stimulates wakefulness. Receiving a warm shower will help to prolong or, as it were, to lose anew the natural and lulling process of cooling the body.

  1. Drink herbal tea

Among the champions of the ability to calm the nervous system and put to sleep such herbs and plants as lavender, chamomile, melissa, valerian. In many pharmacies today you can buy their high-quality fees and one-component teas for a good sleep. In case you want something special, prepare an original chamomile tea You will need: a cup of freshly chopped chamomile tea, ¼ cup of frozen cherry, 1 tbsp. l. almond paste, coconut oil, collagen powder and honey. Put all the ingredients in the blender, whisk and enjoy! This recipe is coined by a psychiatrist and holistic doctor Ellen Vora especially for those who suffer from insomnia.

  1. Listen to relaxing music or the sounds of nature

By the evening, many of us are dealing with an agitated and, therefore, restless consciousness. Muted light, the sound of the ocean, the sounds of rain are those sounds that soothe your organisms. . Such a calming regimen at home is desirable to withstand for 30-60 minutes before bedtime.

  1. Meditate

Meditation, no doubt, perfectly prepares the mind and body for relaxation. With its help, the intensive regime in which they functioned during the day is turned off, which gives us the opportunity to fall into a sweet dream. The effect can give even 5-10 minutes of systematic practi

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