Emotional Limitations

in #philosophy7 years ago

After writing on Mastering Yourself, I thought better of it to write a little on our emotions knowing fully well that we are all emotional people in one way or the other and we express it in various forms.

Considering that the title is self-explanatory I will go ahead with what I have experienced here in my country Nigeria which is the bases of my article tonight. I may not be perfectly right when compared with other countries, but please remember am writing based on what is obtainable here in my country and perhaps, with a little patience you will learn something meaningful and useful in life.

In my country Nigeria, many people act queer and unusual, all in the name of upbringing and bad experiences in the past. Such class of people are hardly objective with their views and are often sentimental and prejudiced. They are very comfortable with their destructive habits and behaviors, they have a high quest for money at all cost without any commitment to hard work and through illegitimate means.

As this is eating deep in our society, many of us can no longer handle the progressive prosperity of people known to us irrespective of who they are; be it our associates, siblings, friends and even members of our own family. Every success or good news from them saddens our heart. We can no longer handle been rejected and isolated, since it gets to us, we become very desperate about what we want, to the extent that patience is no longer in our dictionary. We stand the chance to betray any belief system, course or ideology and we are not loyal to anybody or anything once we have the slightest opportunity to move to a place our bread will be buttered. Many of us due to our low self-esteem and lack of self-worth remain afraid of situations, people, occasion and circumstances, we throw away our self-respect and accept disrespect even if it is from a dog so long as there is enough money attached. Any thieve, treasury looters, kidnapper or rough makes many people a willing slave because of money there by killing their potentials and act of responsibility as they hang around with them rather than securing their real financial comfort by being responsible.

Many in a bit to cover up their financial struggles indulge in extravagant expenses buying things they don’t need as a show off of wealth and affluence. False life style becomes the other of the day with no plans for the future. We prefer to cut corners to find an easy way out, instead of being diligence in hard work that will deliver much to us. No time to dream and build rather we amass and chase after money and possessions, we are not able to harness our potential for a good success.

Unfortunately, many of us do not understand what life is all about. We are confused about the purpose of life and have no idea of why we are here in this world and we just flow with whatever we see as the flow for the moment. As bad as I feel about this I must confess that it is not entirely our faults. It is to a large extent, from my observation, largely an outcome of our nurturing and upbringing, however, it is equally important to know that we all have what it take for us to recreate ourselves and adjust to effective reasoning and superior thinking even though it may be difficult for many.

We fail to realise unfortunately, that we need psychological help and support. We often believe that the reason behind our failure is not in any way our fault and we enjoy blaming others and when this cannot hold, we blame demons, witches and wizard or even met religious or spiritual leaders for deliverance whereas what we need is the counsel of a professional psychologist. Should we because the bee sting abandon the honey comb? Think about this while we continue tomorrow. Thanks for your time, I appreciate.


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