What Seems Accidental Can Turn Out Monumental
Oftentimes, when we are bombarded by life events, we let out a sequence of “Why”s. We can be baffled and confused. A Why question does not usually ease your tension. Rather, a What question can give you a bit insight.
“What can I learn from what is currently happening?”
Life triggers a lot of changes for us to face. Accepting the changes or not, they are there.
The moment you ask that What question, your subconscious takes the seed of the question, and either at that moment or some other time later, reveals to you the purpose of the current event by showing you through something seems insignificant, just a moment of passing by incident. Pay attention to small things in life. They can be the most revealing moments. Knowing the purpose comforts you. Knowing the reasoning behind gives you the purpose to hang on.
Carrying 150lbs of burden is dreadful. But carrying 150lbs of weight at the gym is part of your exercise for your health and physique development. The same event, however, knowing the purpose of it behind makes it a day and night difference.
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