How should we respond to negativity and painful experiences?

Bad things are really experiences that teach us lessons like the value of good things. Challenges are opportunities to exercise your skills and develop them further.   It is productive to try to make an effort to try to understand the value of pain. Friedrich Nietzsche has a profound perspective on the role pain plays in personal and societal development. Also mindfulness and acceptance exercises are productive to integrate the painful experiences into a holistic perspective of your life and situation.   Learn more about his work: "SparkNotes: The Birth of Tragedy: Summary"( Origin:


I like all varieties of cognitive-behavioral-emotional therapies. The one I have used most is the dialectical behavior therapy workbook.
I particularly benefited from the acceptance and mindfulness exercises in this workbook.

I have learned from a self esteem workbook, about how to understand and respond to maladaptive negative thoughts.. Look up the thought distortions that show you what exactly is wrong with maldaptive thoughts. Take control of your consciousness, bring all thoughts into conscious examination, that is my take on the mindfulness therapies. Question what is causing the negative thought or perception, dive into the origins (ontology) of them, you will find a lot of them is unconscious perceptions that might not be true.

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