Where do your morals come from?

in #philosophy6 years ago

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Well, morals come from lots of places. Morals come from what your parents teach you, what society teaches, you what elders teach you and even what we watch on TV. After all, that's the advantage of letting children watch cartoons. They learn morals from them.

But for me, I'd say my morals come from three major places.

  • What I learned from my father
  • My conscience 
  • and last but not least, TV.

Growing up my dad used to discipline us a lot. He taught my siblings and I a valuable lesson-that we should always do the right thing- no matter how small or big. So when we went strayed from  that path, he would correct us. It was a hard lesson to learn as a kid, after all a child's instincts don't really give room for right or wrong, they just want fun. But as I got older I began to realize just how important those lessons were. 

The next source would be my conscience. I fancy myself a pretty straightforward guy. Unlike most people, who's judgement gets cloudy as they get emotional, I find that I'm able to stay levelheaded in most situations. I have a saying

 "speak the truth as it is, not as you want it to be"

It means that no matter what happens, do the right thing and not the thing that will favor you. It's something I came up with many years ago and I've tried to live my life by it. 

Finally my last source of morals has to be Tv. Unlike most of the cartoons kids watch nowadays, I grew up watching stuff like Flinstones, Jetsons, Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse and some others. Those were cartoons that taught a kid how to behave. I learned so much about being a moral person and doing the right thing from those cartoons. And I wouldn't trade those lessons for the world

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