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RE: Non-Aggression Principle: A crisis, introspection, and offer of discussion

in #philosophy7 years ago

Hmmm... how to tell the sheep that they are being fattened ,for the butcher.That the butchers have no problem bombing them into peaceful submission.
Self defense,needs to be an even battle.What we face is Mass population wipe out! publicly declared plans! to do so! By elite powers with deep pockets,and political control to enact there plans! Makes self defense kinda like battling a wild fire by ones self. We need to come together and organize as well as they do and act to stop this BS!!!!
I would love to be able to dream of it being done peacefully, but I am awake enough to know better. They will not give up W/out a fight.
I agree with the NAP in daily life and interaction. But our life is being threatened,and our planet destroyed.When do we get to claim self defense? When can we stand up for our civil rights? and when can we say it is becoming a tyranny?


We need to come together and organize as well as they do and act to stop this BS!!!!

They watch for organizing. They infiltrate, they eliminate. You are correct we need to do something, but organizing in the traditional sense just puts all the fish in a barrel.

Well lets just wait for the right time. I am sure it will get better if we do nothing.
Well I know that they infiltrate,monitor,and subvert all resistance!
I am On the List.
Maybe I will make it to a FEMMA Camp.
Maybe steemit will save the World. got to have something to hope for! ;-)

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