in #philosophy7 years ago


image credit: Pixabay/

It was a slightly windy Friday, the trees played submissive to the cycle of mother nature as brown leaves fell off from various branches zigzagging gracefully away from home unto a soccer pitch, alone holding onto a ball was Samuel, from his face a drop of sweat trickled and got mopped up by the sleeve of his yellow jersey, he placed the ball squarely about some fifty meters away from the empty goal post, stepped back took a breath and kick with a bit of accuracy but yet again for the twentieth time he missed, out of frustration he verbally chastised himself serving harsh words as he angrily walked off pitch in defeat. He got as far as the gates when he looked back and said to himself 'one more'.


image credit: Pixabay/

Well, definitely it could go both ways, he could hit his mark or he could miss yet again but you get the picture.

We all are Samuel in various ways, although our goals differ, to some its a financial bulls eye to others its fitness, regardless there would always be two major voices, one that preaches "procrastination and giving up" then there's the other that whispers "one more try".


image credit: Pixabay/

More often we ought to listen to the latter but it is solely based on our willpower, yes willpower, the will to do more. No one says it would be easy but in the end isn't it worth it all? Remember a moment in your life when you celebrated an achievement something some people thought would be impossible, your family, friends or neighbors didn't believe you could or where waiting to see you to fail like you usually do but you aced it, how did that feel?

Consistency is an underrated word, its one of those words people hardly employ in their endeavors and even when they do they let giving up take a strong hold in their life.


image credit: Pixabay/

So what's that one thing you've been aching to do but always give up halfway? Are you ready to accomplish? So here is what I suggest. Set a reminder on your phone, laptop or pin it to your fridge or in your room so you see it everyday, start it and take baby steps, Rome wasn't built in a day or a week or a month, have a family member or friend hammer you on completing that task daily or when necessary, put it in your prayers if you could and whenever you think of giving up tell yourself "I'd rather celebrate than regret".


image credit : Pixabay/

Wish you best of luck.


Really true... Also the tree photography...pretty cool

thanks i'm glad you like it.

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