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RE: Know Thyself to Heal Thyself

in #philosophy7 years ago

We can heal ourselves and the world if we all work at it.

Everyone needs to start working. The more we work on ourselves the more we work on eachother. Just like that Lao Tzu quote tells us, no need to worry about other people's progress, awaken yourself and you raise the consciousness of those around you simply by changing your observation of the world and. Your being affects everyone and everything you come into contact with.

No more ignoring our own issues and fears, confront them, acknowledge them, and see where they stem from.

Great post @krnel, I really hope we can all get our shit together.

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
― Ramana Maharshi


you raise the consciousness of those around you simply by changing your observation of the world

What do you mean?

When we start to see, or even just look for, the divinity in everyone without exception, we start to lift our world up. Everyone out there is putting out their being, or vibration, so when we put out the divine vibration we lead the way for others to do so. We transmit or teach our vibration, so the higher we raise ourselves the higher we raise everyone, and the higher we raise everyone in our observation of them, the higher we raise our own vibration.

Basically that Lao Tzu quote, awaken ourselves and we awaken the world, literally. Every person has a root inside of us, we are all one, so we affect eachother. The more we look for the good in eachother and stop judging and criticizing, the better off we will all be. Supporting one another will get us so much further than competition, and that support should extend to thought and beyond. This is deeply challenging work imo.

Please do not consider me an authority on this, this is something I'm starting to learn and apply in my own experience. I've had some minor successes in the past where I've felt like I was witnessing the divine. This was brought on by pscilocybin which I felt raised my frequency. At this level of consciousness the world literally changed with my consciousness. People, myself included, became more beautiful, interactions began to flow, and every little creature showed it's true beauty.

Now I spend my days working to understand that without a substance, learning to let go to my true self, but I feel this to be true, maybe the words are unclear though. I hope this made some sense! Otherwise I'll try to refine my language and strengthen my understanding before I talk like I know :)

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