
what about hp ? @jacobcards

I use to really like it but then realized it is witchcraft and satanism so no lol I came to know all fantasy and fiction tends to destroy the mind only the truth of Jesus Christ will save you. Harry Potter is a mock version of Christ it is definition evil.

makes sense, like it @jacobcards

Really hate this escapism/consumerism, turning people into side characters in their own lives.

So true they take on the imperfections of their idols rather then taking on the perfection of God by making him their only idol.

Yes, they been programming us since we been born and that is just us. They want us to think their program. Yes, I got rid of the netflix. Netflix is the program machine. Star Wars and Star Trek make people forget God's firmament which is strong and as a molten looking glass. Why is it that the rocket man, Wernher von Braun did something strange to some. He put Psalm 19.1 on his grave marker. Why? He wanted people to look into God's firmament that can break the illusion of the spherical earth.

Yea its hard to break away from our emotional attachment to films in our lives but when you do its a great feeling.

Very true that we don't like the truth! Good stuff bro, keep it up!

Thank you! The truth is above it all!

Stop programming me dude! ;p
I personally dont watch movies, televison, the only thing Im doing is playng games. Anyway I think it`s the same. The point is that the image projected by the media, television etc, is an lowest instinct based message, In my country - Poland, people generally are not so into television like in western europe, or in states. In States, a lot of people WORSHIP celebrities like some gods. This is sick.

Yea Im American, its bad. They are totally brainwashed. People come in and out of it though.

hell better than that. throw it in the bin!

Great post! Keep it up :)
By the way, I'm following you now

couldnt resist the title, heres an upvote.
100% true

great post my dear

great post my dear

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