No Rich Men Go To HeavensteemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Matthew 19:24
"And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."
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We all want to get wealthy right? We all want security right? We all want money right?...Well, not all of us do... Lately I cringe whenever I hear someone talking about the stride to make money and what their job entails in-order for them to do so... However, I dont really think it is our occupation that defines us.. For ex. lawyer, doctor, farmer or programmer... Our occupation really shouldnt define us.. Because the human society is like its own organism in itself. God has a different plan for everyone. Like the human body gives its own function to every organ. It is the combination of many parts that bring success or life to one whole being...So whatever our personal occupation may be... so be it.. I dont hate cops. I hate crooked cops. I dont hate politicians... I hate crooked ones... I dont hate farmers...I hate farmers that work for McDonalds...

The difference between someone who works, with morals, or without morals... Is the person that works for the moral gratification, rather then the money, or materialistic things the money may provide for them... In my head you are only "even" with God and society when you have enough to fall back on, no more or less.. If you hoard your money from the poor in your own greed, are you any better then the poor in the first place? I think not...

Money isn't going to save the world from catastrophes but "greed-less capitalism" just might... When 1%'ers of our economy continue to milk the bottom for every dollar they are worth, the bottom is less likely to spend the money they have, or they just simply dont have as much money to spend... It is like a wheel. If the wheel keeps spinning from top to bottom then the wheel never stops...But if the bottom runs out of fuel to feed the top then the whole thing collapses.
Im not considering being a "communist" but I am most definitely a "Christian". It isnt wrong to make large somes of money. In-fact...Thats exactly what Jesus did.. But what does matter is how you spend that money... For ex. the Vatican sickens me with how much wealth they continue to hoard and lock up.... Its just gross... They have completely stopped the wheel of "greed-less capitalism" . They are not even Christians... much more along the lines of Satanists. Jesus brought alot of money to the church but he never claimed it as his own... When we collect wealth and give to others that is when we live in the realm of God and truth...

Matthew 6:19–20
"19: Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth
and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
20: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor
rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal"


Most of the Vaticans wealth is priceless religious treasures that have appreciated since like the year zero or 33 or something like that. True people do donate money and even though I do not really need at this moment to even begin to worry about hell because of riches, with God all things are possible.

Many people do not understand this part so I will ask you this question, "Why is it called St. Peter's Basilica?"

Thanks I appreciate that

The articles included in this post are a little sad given the potential for good that could happen if only greed did not get in the way.

Interesting post, interesting perspective.

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