And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables

in #philosophy7 years ago

Dude im collecting steem power. Get at me bro. Blogging like a baller. Shit I hope the price of steem stays down. Just keep accumulating. No playing. On the way to the top. If you have the faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to a mountain "move!" and it will move! Do you know what that means? It means you make the impossible become your reality. The price of nothing matters when you grind. POW. Proof of Work. I give plenty of proof when mining for steem. Its lovely isnt it? Why do people always need a visual when they post? What happened to seeing a page with just a block of words. Thats what steemit should be. More intellectuality geared. Right now its slightly corny. Steemit I would say is gaudy. Not the site but the content. Im just speaking as a speculator protecting his investment. Things are going well though. I think steemit will really show its colors with another pump. I hope to hold more when that happens. But what can you do you need to survive.

I dont need to be rich to be happy. In fact sometimes your happier with no responsibility. I just want to get by without anxiety. You know some cushion. Im not worried about surviving. Paying rent and all. I resist working for other people. It isnt my thing. They are always wasting my time. They are always wasting peoples time. It goes both ways though. When you work you should prove your mental toughness.

The Devil is the master of illusion. The Lord is the master of reality. The Devil is a liar. The Lord is the truth. All things of fiction or of falsity that does not pertain to what is true is then by default comes negative in spirit. It is easy to live in the truth. We do it all the time. Every second you dont watch tv is one more you spend playing ball with your son. Every second you dont escape into "The Lord Of the Rings" or "Harry Potter" you are either sharing a memory with someone or working on a project to improve yourself. I know it sounds far out but we've been told "men will turn their ears from the truth and turn to fables" thats exactly whats happening in our world. yall live in a day dream. Peace.


Great post telling it like it is. Keep writing!

Yes, it was a great illusion. I was caught up in it. I used to read "Harry Potter" and think nothing of it. I used to get into new age. Lot's of books that filled my cases. What a great illusion was given to me. I knew the scriptures decades before, but I forgot. I backslid into the illusion of the Devil. Look at the word and break it up D-evil. It is The Evil. The liar of all liars. I even started to believe in reincarnation. The new age people taught that John the Baptist was reincarnated from Elijah. I used to believe it. I had forgotten the scriptures. Some how I made it back to Jesus. For those that call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Thank you Jesus. Jesus broke the illusion I was in. Now I let the new age people know that Elijah to John the Baptist is not reincarnation. I remind them that Elijah was taken up alive into heaven. So this is not reincarnation. Elijah did not die then come back as John the Baptist. No, he was taken up alive then came back as John the Baptist. This is not reincarnation as it is written, And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Hebrews 9:27 Since Elijah did not die as Elijah, he did get to die as John the Baptist. Oh how a new ager got mad at me for telling this. Truth is hard to resist. I tore up all my new age books including my Harry Potter books. Going over and over again and again the scriptures. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. Psalm 1:2

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