Water with lemon for weight loss: recipe.

in #philosophy6 years ago

Of course, lemon water is not a panacea for extra pounds, but it gives impetus to metabolism and cleanses the intestine. There is she has and other opportunities.

Why lemon water?

They say that it is because she was able to become more slender buxom Beyonce in order to get a role in the film. In fact, it's as simple as math for Junior high school. Water is necessary for cleaning of an organism, normal speed of metabolic processes, cleaning of intestines and in General for normal activity therefore it cannot be ignored in any way. The most important point: the water must be of high quality, well cleaned and without any "sewage" impurities. Therefore, we choose distilled water, spring water, purified by a home filter, well boiled or frozen and thawed. All cleaning methods can be used together.

As for lemon, first, it is pectin, that is, fiber, perfectly kills hunger, and secondly, ascorbic, affecting metabolic processes, too, thirdly, citric acid. It is good that it cleanses the intestines of toxins, splitting them, and in General, is a good tool for detox. In addition, citric acid helps to "burn" carbohydrates and accelerate digestion. And together these two components are superpowers to fight overweight. Lemon not only removes hunger, but also "neutralizes" a small percentage of carbohydrates and sugars, not allowing them to be deposited on the body in the form of fat.

Warnings, cons, harm.

All drugs and products have both beneficial and dangerous properties. Have such a means, as water with lemon, the benefits and harm, too, there are. So, despite the abundance of vitamins, lemon juice – a very aggressive environment for all the mucous membranes of the intestine and stomach, and even if diluted with water. She's no less aggressive for the enamel of the teeth. That is why even a well-diluted drink should be drunk with a tube and rinse your mouth well after it. Also, before you prepare the water with lemon for weight loss, remember if you have gastritis.

In case of ulcers lemon water is contraindicated at all. Even the owners of a healthy stomach after such a diet can feel heartburn, so you can drink a slimming drink oat jelly, which neutralizes the aggression of lemon. BUT I drink it through a quarter of an hour after the lemon water. Do not forget about the propensity to allergies and hypersensitivity, which can be on anything, not even lemons. You can't mix the water lemon with sedation, for example, diphenhydramine. They slow down the release of the stomach and intestines, so lemon juice can damage the mucous membranes. In addition, this fruit is poisonous bones.


There are recipes for a variety of lemon diets, but the actual water with lemon slimming recipe is simple: one liter of well-purified and boiled water needs one lemon, from which squeeze juice. Drink it on an empty stomach, and then – before all meals. It is important that it has a room temperature – this makes it effective. So drink in store not in the fridge, and warm and never add ice.

In the same liter of water with lemon can add 15 grams of honey. In this case, you can arrange a day off with this drink. Drink this water for three liters per day and every three hours, more to drink and eat nothing. Unloading lasts for a maximum of two days. You can also drink it instead of Breakfast, because it will help to relieve hunger.

Another recipe - water Sassi, which will help and tone improve, and to lose weight, and bloating peel the. Per liter of spring water need juice of half a lemon, small bunch of mint, half a cucumber and some thin slices of ginger. Leave for one night and up to a day, to drink the mood.

Diet recipes

With lemon water, there are other diets. So, you can drink two and a half litre of lemon water and half a liter of kefir a day.

Drink every two hours alternately water and kefir for three days. At night, you can prepare a drink of kefir, lemon juice and cinnamon, which will help to deal with excess kg even at night.

The recipe is diet followed by pop diva Beyonce, that is. The first thing we do when we Wake up is pour warm water into a glass and dilute with lemon juice. If there is no juice, no juicer, just a few bits of fruit in a glass of water.

Be sure to grind one lemon in a blender. This "puree" is added to food and drinks. You can also add zest to food, and sprinkle meat dishes with juice of this fruit. Do not forget to drink a lot of water to reduce acidity. This diet is credited with a certain Mrs Chong.

Another extreme diet with lemon is attributed to the first beauty Angelina Jolie.

More precisely, this is an extreme unloading day. So, two liters of mineral water ( non-carbonated), with eight lemons, 2 tbsp honey and red pepper ( freshly ground, one teaspoon). Such water drink one day or just wash down with it all dishes.

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i will try it . thanks for informative post . i love lemon with water

Nice content. Lot of hard work.

Thanks a lot!

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