Philosophy Rant Of The Day (Beliefs, the pursuit of Virtue and Tribal Thought Clouds)

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

This whole rant is basically just trying to tell you, there is much more to your own life, then people uninvolved (i.e. Not You!) realize, and since Life has always been a you problem, it is up to you to learn how to solve them in the way which allows you to inherently progress

(At an Art museum in England, random scrolling words.. just so happened to snap it when it said this)

I'm sorry to you if whatever was told you by your parents, teachers and friends has crippled your progress in life. Change your beliefs and thoughts about situations seek your own truth!... A truth that allows you to make fresh new strides every day in the pursuit of virtue!

This is one reason why ive separated myself,- Became "The Hermit" No one thins for themselves or is inherently honest. They all just seem to spread bullshit. Attempting to agree on a very squared out version of their own reality based off of other peoples perspectives and choices. there is NO logic behind any of that..

Rule no. 1 is, you cannot change peoples beliefs or thoughts, and once you react then it's done. So im over here doing what I need to, to live my own life, and make my own choices. It's good to effect and influence no one but yourself self and I do not intend to sway, comfort, educate, explain, apologize or justify any of my beliefs just so some other persons projection of a insecurity is put to rest for a moment,. explaining this alone makes me seem theatrical and pompous. But that is reality, you are surrounded by what you give out and what thoughts you allow,.

if Sarah feels like she needs something else or closure or anything the only fulfillment of that, that will ever come HAS to come from within her own self,. its like tracing thoughts, how do I feel? why do I feel like this? am I in control? Its an underlying , probably unknown belief that arrived her, where she is in the first place, as well as probably similar situations at many other times in her life...


(So much symbology in this piece, dualities, self boundaries, soul groups. depolarization,,, the list goes on.Simply gorgeous art!)

The thing about virtues worth noting, is that the algorithms are persistent. If someone is unwilling to learn the virtue that is necessary for their progress in their own particular life, then it gets more and more vitriolic until it either breaks down the belief completely to rebuild as a virtue or causes large mental traumas and problems that can manifest physically.

This principal is universal and responsible for basically every thing ever, a faulty belief must be corrected by the operator or it will manifest physically harsher and harsher every time until the hurdle is cleared. this is why people go crazy, this is why people develop addictions or habits, this is literally the basis of reality,.

Its also why some people can achieve incredible things, it iss because they know the literature, and how the game works.

Soul groups. (those fated to be with you) are extremely important, if we are used to living with people or there is some incorporeal connection between individuals they start acting very tribal, and their realities become less plastic, less malleable to the degree where if the individual is pursuing there own beliefs, and those beliefs that do not align with the groups then they get ousted or manipulated to better fit the "endgame" of the collective

"conform or be cast out"

Tribe mentality has good and bad applications such as a brilliant music group acting as one, ebbing and flowing to create Art but in my opinion, the tribal/ family/ hierarchy, protocol and thought cloud is completely unhealthy for anyone beyond an intellectual age of 14 that understands absurdity and has a need to create and expand uniquely. There needs to be a developed ability to depolarize oneself- and fit in to certain tiers of tribes at certain times to further ones own pursuit in their acquisition of virtue. Ultimately however, a person shall (note the shall and not should) carry their own tune when the group is not present. To be dependent on group mentality for an entire life is extremely limiting.


(This is me in my youth,,, just waiting and procrastinating... I dont sit and wait anymore. Achieve weird things!)

This reality is an open-world sandbox. with one currency (time) the only rules, ideas and limitations are the ones set on yourself by the tribes or thoughts you CHOOOSE to subscribe to, the choices and reactions you make based off of those agreed on ideals and vibrations. Set your own boundaries, as you gain virtue and learn how to read the rules you'll be able to expand your set boundaries, instead of being in control to the will of others without knowing.


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