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RE: Liberating Ourselves from Collective Mass Hypnosis

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

'Talking about the negative isn't being "negative". What is being negative is being in denial. What is being negative is being in avoidance of accepting the truth about ourselves and the world.'

I feel like nowadays there's a shift towards apathy in regards to this. That to choose to be an active participant in your own self-shaping and the goings on around you is to be focusing on the negative - because our modern social reality is often stressful and contentious, enough so that the most chosen pastime of the day is any means of mental or physical escape. I think the best approach is somewhere in the middle with balance, but it's not negative to concern yourself with things. Being too cool to care in the name of not rocking the boat, not spoiling a self-blinded joyride through life, is very overrated to me.

'Liberating ourselves requires that we LEARN. Liberty has the same root as the French word for book, livre. Reading or engaging in other inputs of knowledge is important.'

On the lifelong path to higher consciousness, deeper understanding, I think this statement is very useful to live by. And oh how I love books. (Our local booksale is coming up in a week, and I'm so excited. I can't wait for new books.)

'To be with-knowledge, with awareness, consciously aware, and to be more aware, more alert and wiser in how we conduct ourselves. Some people may be very intelligent, but aren't too wise.'

To be with-knowledge. I think our whole standard approach to education misses that point all too often. And we can miss out on a lot of valuable learning and perspective because of it.

Once that formative foundation cracks, it's up to us to reform a new one based on higher truths. That's so important. And I don't think it's often to be formed on the truth as we're so often raised to believe in, but it's formed over a lifetime from a truth here and a truth there, collected, as we live and grow and come to understand more.

It can feel like a daunting task, but it's really one so very unique to us as humans. I can't deny that it's beautiful in that way...that we have so much potential if we'd only realize and pursue it. I think I've thus far done a shoddy job, but I am still trying.

I really enjoyed this post. I like your perspective.


Yup, truth here and there, over time. Truth takes time. Learning is life :)

Thanks for the feedback.

Yeah, learning is life. It is. Fun too. And sometimes painful. :P

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