Random Thoughts On Motivation And Other Stories

in #philosophy6 years ago

download (18).jpeg random picture I got from Google when I goggled free to use pictures on 'seeing things through'

Motivation will never be pure in this world. It's ok! Accept that, and then DO in spite of the impure motivations
Strive to do well.

You know those moments when you feel like you're on fire? You look around you andyou see nothing but potential. You are alive and blazing. Your creativity is at a prime time 100%. You can wait to express your awesomeness. Well, I don't feel that way right now.

I've been thinking of what to write today for steemit. My first thought was to go through my feed and see what's up. Somewhere along the line, I derailed and found myself in the replies section. There I saw @dreemsteem's comment.

The Things We Do

I believe that humans are made for action. We don't always feel like it but we are all potential creators. We have the power to innovate, to create, to mould. I'm of the school of thought that each time we do or say, we create something. At the very least, we create memories.

However, that's enough. I'm talking about memories. I believe that memories are one of the most important stuffs of life. The memories we leave behind will ultimately define how people will look at us, our words and actions.

Motivation 1: Creating Awesome Memories For Ourselves

I believe one reason why we do the things we do is because we want to feel good about ourselves. I'm not talking about the awesome feeling, although that's included. I'm simply talking about the things we do in our every day

At the base of all of our actions and words, we simply want to he loved, valued and understood by the people that matter to us. It is this thought, this expected memory, that drives us to do a lot of things. Even when people claim that they don't care about other people's opinions, they still want to be loved. They are indirectly saying they want their sense of love and value to come from their own standards.

Motivation 2: Creating Awesome Memories For Others

I can think of two reasons why we try to create awesome memories for others. One is that we care about them. The second is that the humanity in us always tried to empathize with others.

I believe the first point is self-explanatory. When you care for people, you try to make then as happy as you can. The best example is when two young people are newly in love. They are getting degrees to this. A father might spank a kid for a greater good in mind.

For the humanity part, well, I believe people have a part of that heart that can relate to share in other people's plight. We see examples like that on Steemit. We read stories of people's situations and try to reach out, to alleviate as much pain as we can.

Why Am I Writing This

I think I'm doing this to feel good about myself. I like thinking about stuff. However, I get distracted a lot so I guess Steemit is helping in this regard.

I don't know how to end this.


[Image source: Flickr]


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