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RE: How Does God Exist If There Is So Much Evil And Suffering?🎭

in #philosophy7 years ago

You cannot create an up without a down, or light without darkness to contrast it. An existence without suffering likewise contains no pleasure. There are elements of existence which give it intrinsic value, and if removed would make life as we can conceive it to be completely pointless. Things like surprise, risk, consequence, and collective purpose make this ride we're on more of a roller coaster than a monorail.

In this understanding, I don't see an objective difference between suffering and pleasure. Subjectively, there is a vast difference; one in which drives our actions. But, if we can assume that whatever the Source of our existence manifested this garden for the sake of experience itself, then there would be no preference for pleasure or suffering. In the true infinite, all experiences exist in equal proportion to one another.

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