Islamism & The Western Front: The Existential Threat Growing Within

in #philosophy7 years ago

Islamism & The Western Front: The Existential Threat Growing Within

This isn't out of hate. I simply see where this is going from whence it has came. This is coming to a cataclysmic clash of people and values where only one side will survive. If this issue isn't addressed honestly and seriously, demographics alone will bring us to a point of civil war.

Repatriate recent muslim migrants to a land of their choice of to their native region.

Every muslim who will not renounce the sharia needs to be brought before a tribunal to justify why their citizenship should not be revoked as they are proclaimed political subversives.

No welfare for migrants, legal or illegal aliens. Define refugee as women, boys under 13, and elderly men over 60, fleeing from an active conflict zone and belonging to a minority of targeted status. Focus on placing minority muslim groups where their sects are majority instead of relocating them to the west at a much higher cost, both in human suffering and dollars.

Stop Saudi funding of mosques and investigate every mosque and madrasa with Saudi funding. Mandate that sermons be given in English or that a transcript be made available to local LEO with random independent recording and translation as enforcement with significant discrepancies being just cause in shuttering said mosque or madrasa.

Disband sharia courts with probable cause of enabling domestic violence being the necessitating reason for government regulation per the Lemon Test.

Values testing for every future migrant.

Nowhere on earth do the adherents to the cuIt of mo currently peacefully coexist with the native, indigenous, or pre existing people and societies of the lands in which they reside. Not without the ever present spectre of jihadist violence or Taharrush or the islamists who act as the pr/propaganda arm of the jihadists.

Iran (Persia) used to be filled with Zoroastrians, Afghanistan with Buddhists, Syria with Christians and Jews, Egypt with the Copts, the actual descendents of the ancient Egyptians, Pakistan with Hindus and Sikhs, Turkey - Constantinople - with eastern orthodox Christians, and on and on and on. This is a political ideology wrapped in the "culturally appropriated" amalgamation of the 2 dominant religions of the area he which had lived and began his military conquest.


I don't want to hurt anyone, I'm a live and let live kinda guy. Straight up libertarian. But understand, I would personally march a million of these assholes into an oven if it meant protecting my family from this sadistic, cruel ideology of religiously sanctioned and ordained hatred. And if you feel differently, you may want to reexamine why the fuck you even have a family to begin with.

And I really don't want it to come to that. But the only way to prevent the kind of carnage, sexual sadism, and cultural and social masochism we see being embodied most of Europe, Canada, and even ourselves on a daily basis now; is to discuss openly and honestly the problems of Islamism (political islam, muslims as a political force), Jihadism (violence sanctioned by islam in the tradition of mohamed, for political means), Salafism (the school of legal thought within islam that preaches conquest and the spreading of islam), and Wahhabism (hardcore theocrats in the theme of mohamed. Comparable to Christian dominionists if they had any political traction or vast oil wealth under their feet).

And to the incessant choir of "not all" and "muh religion of pieces" and "you're just a islamoxenabigophobicist, thus yøur argument is invalid"...recent history labels these people as useful idiots. I refer to this generation of them as deceitful dhimmwits. Islamists, islamopologists, and islamophiles alike carry the ideological water for the nazis of our era whilst labelling as nazis, those who rightfully condemn this gruesome zealotry out of an educated analysis of its tenets and the end results of those tenets practically applied.


Islamophobia is an intellectually bankrupt term, designed only to be a linguistic weapon in service of intellectual jihad. Opposition to an ideology of institutionalized deception and sexual violence is neither irrational or phobic. In fact, it's the only ethical option.

As for those who are such intellectual n00bs as to conflate race and religion and cry racism as some sort of valid response to these sorts of points being made, why would anyone lend credence to someone who can't even differentiate between such monumental topics as race and religion? I don't think Neil Degrasse Tyson spends much time pondering the opinions of those who conflate astrology and astronomy.

You wanna red pill your friends, fauxvert to islam, and try to convert your friends to be islamic supremacists with Islamic writing. Grow out your beard, get a skull cap, point up a lot and buy a koran and start preaching the good word of mohamed. Don't get crazy with it, don't want to end up on the business end of a federal investigation over a scheme to red pill some cognitive dhimmwits.


Questions? Critiques? Critism? Let me know below.


Through enlightenment we have come where we are today.

Enlightenment taught us the values of free speech, free elections, reason over faith,... It just didn't show us how to defend ourselves against people abusing these tools with the ultimate goal of disbanding them (s the Nazi's did with democraty for example). Somewhere we should come up with a system which is tolerant of tolerance, but tolerant of intolerance... But that's an argument no-one has ever been willing to look into, and which has sadly has the tendency in becoming just plain intolerance.

You raise a couple of valid points.

That being said, I do not believe that every refugee who arrives here is a threat to our own system, and I do not believe that they come here with a conscious intent of subverting our culture.

We threw out the baby with the bathwater. In the west now, there is a religious vacuum, and it is being filled by people of a new religion (yes, Islam is a new religion. It is just about the finest of the Christian heresies.)
Some will say that reason has triumphed over faith in the west. You have to have a lot of faith in reason to make a statement like that. Reason has become the new dominant religion in the west, and when it is confronted by beliefs (or pathologies) which seem unreasonable, there is a clash.

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