Your opinions are actually the opinions of the society you have grown in. You are still sleeping, unaware of who you really are!!

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

This was my 1st concept on steemit. I posted this article again as it was an important message for everyone to read and understand. Because I didn't had any audience then and because I write only to help people awaken and come out of this trap of life, so I published it again. The source of this article on my own wall from 2 months back is here.


So many false identities,
but so far away from the reality,
you give names,
you give religion,
you give yourself, too many personalities,

but still fail, to find the truth
the truth about your actuality
and loose yourselves amongst the crowd suppressing your originality.

We deny this talk, we shoo our kids away
Coz we too were ignored
when asked, why did we originate?

But do you realise,
the chaos, to which it gave a rise
this question being ignored
is making us pay a huge price.

Too many fights,
happening on religions
you say yours is right
you say other's is wrong
you take a solid stand
for something so unknown
How still so confident, still so strong?

You see how you have formed
an image of your own
which has always been changing
since the time you were born

Sometimes so upset of yourself
sometimes saying that you are a boy
sometimes calling yourself and Indian
and sometimes fighting for your Pride

You Sometimes become a father,
& for someone, you are still a child
you have so many identifications, but the real one is hidden
this fact can't be denied.

You judge people on a slab, higher or lower than yourself
but what's even worse is that,
that you even judge yourselves.

Each and every moment of your lives
Is getting affected because of these lies
these lies that you call conclusions
these lies that don't answer anything, instead just leaves confusions.

Did you ever think you would have been someone else
if you were instead born
at a place too distant,
at a rich house or if you had poor parents
you would think like someone else
if you're situations were different.

So does that mean whatever you believe
about yourself, about your colleagues
about other people, about certain things
it's all vague, it's fantasy.

If your conditioning, was your truth
that means when you weren't born, you were a nobody
but if that was the case,
why would you've been born at the first place?


So it concludes that it's all incorrect,
whether you think yourself a failure
or are proud of your success
whether you vanity, your mortal beauty
or you are an owner of big and huge property

I can disclose it all today, who you really are & what's your fate,
but your believes, won't allow me to speak
so instead I would want, you find it yourself
by following,
this one simple plan,

If you can't find who you are
then start with knowing who you aren't
You are neither a loser, nor a winner
neither an employee, nor an employer
you are not a doctor, you are not a parent
you are not a child
you are not a religion.

Just one by one remove these false identities,
and soon you will find you are no one what earthlings say
But a small expression of this vast divinity .


Image source
Quotation on image by - @himshweta


Since our birth, we obtain knowledge and information through our five senses. We see and categories beautiful and ugly, we hear and distinguish the soothing and noisy, we smell, like the fragrance and dislikes the odours.
We touch and taste and differentiate again.

We become what these senses make us. We become what OUR society makes us, we learn whatever is taught to us and we misinterpret this conditioning of our mind with who we are! Whereas, we have no idea who we are. We have no idea of our true likes or dislikes, or even if we have any likes or dislikes. We are unaware of our real beliefs, our true perspective. We are just another puppet of this society. We think, the way we grasped, about the world around us. We need to open our eyes and stop fighting others to show them that we are right because "we" are still sleeping, unaware of the right and wrong & good and bad.

Our fights are vague, because our opinions are based on what our 5 senses stored in our mind so there is no point fighting for an opinion which was formed only because your situations were different from others. It is not YOUR perspective. It is just what your surroundings made you perceive.

So no matter who you think you are, whether Bill Gates or a poor, whether Trump or a citizen, whether literate or illiterate, muslim or hindu, boy or girl, young or old, a professor or a labour man. It doesn't matter !! Delete it all !! This is not the real you. This might be your opinion, your work, your assets but this is not you. And when you delete it all, then you will find who you really are.


Image Source
Quotation on image by - @Himshweta


100% agreed with your opinions are acctually the opinions of the society you have grown in....

I love this article. You have been able to articulate so well things that I have begun to understand.

This is the best compliment ever. :) It was my dream to help people view life from a different viewpoint :) .Thank you so much :)

Your thoughts are deep. Nicely written.

This makes me wonder "How do I start deleting all that is not me?!!"

By not symbolizing your actions as YOU. As I mentioned in the poem in the end, Just remove all that you think you are. That is when you will find yourself in the end when there won't be any ego left !!

Thanks for commenting :)

Great article @himshweta
Upvoted & Followed!

Thanks :)

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

A very well articulated post dear. Super . Upvoted and following u as always. Regards Nainaz

This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

Very well written and presented, @Himshweta. Upvoted and Following :)

You have a lot of awesome posts, but this is by far one of your best ones man. I needed this one today! Thanks.

I feel the best when my posts helps someone. ☺️Thankyou for reading it. I wish I could help more :)

Your opinions are actually the opinions of the society you have grown in.

WOW that is some powerful stuff. So true!

Loving the quality of that image. I really appreciate the efforts you are putting into the design of your posts. Well done my friend :) Keep this up!

Thanks a lot. I too appreciate the work you are doing to help the minnows. :)

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