Is Time Our Main Currency? Use Your Time Wisely

We have a mass consensus on money equating value. And this leads us to want to accumulate money, which in turn accumulates value.

Although, why accumulate value?

The reason lies in the fact that humans can plan for the future, unlike just about any other animal or living creature.

Often times this can be the root of depression, the fear of the unknown and the source of insecurity.

On the other hand, it can be seen as one of the only assured incidences in life, the future.

Now, we value money, objects, services, and goods as the primary indicator of currency and driver of our existence (or many people do), but there is a lot more.

Time as a Currency

When a currency is evaluated, it has to have some form of scarcity.

Gold is scarce, Bitcoin only has 21 million, and while the USD is printed without a limit (which will lead to a downturn in its value.)

Yet we often forget the only currency that matters to us.


Time, while both infinite, finite and non-existent, is how we perceive life.

Time is something so outrageous to contemplate because we have a structured society based on linear chronological time.

Although, there are a few different types of time (chronological, biological, experiential.)

Our time is measured based on the rotation of the earth, and the earth around the sun.

Now let's reframe how time actually exists and operates for us.

Appreciating Time and Appreciating Your Worth

In the silicon valley, business, entrepreneurial mindset time is the best asset.

Use it wisely and you will ultimately win.

In fact, most people operate with ridiculous schedules utilizing every precious moment of time for work as much as possible.

The grind has become the modern 9-5 that leads to a retirement at 65 and repeats the cycle.

We thought that we changed the paradigm, but we just changed its look.

Instead of the 9-5 in a corporate office, people end up working 8-8 pushing themselves to the end to make an impact in the world.

Which isn't a bad thing, but an observable reality.

Time is the only commodity that is both truly unique to us, but completely scarce at this time.

Which is why time is our main currency.

Realizing that we are using time as our currency, buying time back by working, creating our reality is very important.

Don't lose track of this.

Spend time with those important, spend time wisely, spend time out of love not out of hate.

Just like spending money on McDonald's counts as a vote for McDonald's, spending your time on ill-willed desires leads to the voting for them.

Let's live in abundance together,


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This is a post imbued with true wisdom. My goal for accumulating money is to be able to get out of the rat race and use that money to have experiences with my time vs working for others.

@creativeidea says this time to invest Currency & earn more reward

a great solution for the harmony of mankind

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